steem reps are beneficial to the Hive ecosystem?@theycallmedan Why do you think
A group of people who are the promoters and the country reps for the steem to misguide their own people, to implement harsh rules to the newbies to fulfill the desire of the steemit team for the sake of rewards. Who has choose their path toward the centralized platform are now promoting the Hive?

steemit team stop funding them. Which was a shock for them and that was the time they started thinking about the Hive.First they started promoting the steemit for the seek of good rewards and build a strong team under the community "Steem Ghana" with the help of @collinz @nattybongo @njaywan @juzkid @oppongk and some others. Evrything was going well until the
@mcsamm started the initiative that they were experienced with "The Promotion Scam". He fooled the Hive Community by showing some dramatic stories of promotion with his team and introduced them as newbies to the blockchains etc. One by One he invited his team and the group members who were now not getting the upvotes by steemcurator01. It was a really tough job to brings the country reps mods and the members of their team to the Hive but I must appreciate their intelligence that they not only bring them, They also earn thousands of rewards for bring them to Hive with a great "Promotional Drama".
Nurses express their excitement to join hive blockchain like this is the first time they heard about the Hive lol

Its just seven month old from nattybongo's profile:
Welcome to the Platform Jude9 or Oppongk which ever suits you
More is Coming...
I think the notification didn't reached to you for the upper comment @theycallmedan
@orianagua, It is very unfortunate that despite the many wonderful things we have accomplished, the only things you were able to discover are those that you believe negate our efforts. Speaking on behalf of myself and my teammate, Mcsamm, who are currently a team, we were some of the active promoters of Promo-Steem on Steemit, as evidenced by the pictures you have shared highlighting some of the promotional activities we have undertaken to promote both Steemit and Hive.
It is important to note that Steemit (Steemcurators) did not provide funding for any of the projects shown in the pictures you have shared. This can be confirmed with the leaders of Promo-Steem on Steemit, particularly since you are on the verge of uncovering more information. On Steemit, we received rewards that were available to all users who engaged with or promoted the platform. It would be beneficial for you to learn more about Steemit and Steemcurators operation.
Hive is actually more aware of us than you may realize. Many of the Hivers you see here were originally Steemit users who left for Hive following the fork. We made the decision to leave Steemit for Hive when we realized that everything was becoming increasingly centralized around the Steemit team. Despite our departure, we (@mcsamm and @collinz) did not change our usernames.
For the record, @mcsamm and I (@collinz) were never country reps. It is important that you verify your facts. None of the information you have presented is hidden because blockchain technology is immutable. Do you think those you mentioned are not aware? If you are interested in learning more about the funding for the Hive Borehole projects, I suggest you begin by reviewing the proposal which is available for anyone to read.
We played a significant role in onboarding and mentoring new users on Steemit, and were instrumental in building a strong Promo-Steem community. We never implemented harsh rules for newbies, as we (@mcsamm and @collinz) were never country or community representatives. Anyone who has since joined us on Hive did so on their own accord, just like many others who have found their way to Hive after leaving Steemit.
Our preference has always been for a decentralized platform that offers us the freedom to share, work and build communities without the constraints of centralization. The stringent rules imposed by Steemcurators have driven many people to seek a more conducive environment on Hive.
This matter is currently under investigation and being worked on.
Hello @orianagua! I've not in any way changed my identity, you can better check my records. I was once hacked with my account @oppongk long ago of which I couldn't make follow up to recover that account on Hive. The hackers took away all my earnings including my HP. That's why I created new account as @jude9. There is nothing that I'm hiding here on Hive. I use my original face in most of pictures that I share on Hive here.
I would had even preferred using an old account as @oppongk than starting with new account which take time to build reputation. But I lost the key that would enable me to recover that old account.
This is true. The original account is in the phishing list.
Thanks very much for confirming @guiltyparties
Hi @orianagua!
I'm one (luckly not the only) of the guys always interested in transparency. In this case, DHF funds, already made some posts asking for more transparency.
Like that, I need to take time to read with all attention what you are exposing here and also mcsamm's latest post, and I will, promise!
For now, with the lack of info I have, I can't have a fair opinion about the subject, but I want to direct you a couple of questions that I will be glad if you want to answer, please :)
Do you know him? Is it anyhow related with you? Is it also you?
What is the meaning of transparency for you @doze? Identity or Work?
I am on the platform since the end of the 2016-2017 so you can image What I can have in my staking or in my wallet so basically money is not a problem for me but the name which I don't wanna ruin for some shitty scammers. You are well aware of the politics on the platform. (My belief)
Thanks for sharing this one, No I am not @xmanuelramos but the person who ever is behind this is against the Street Workout Community and he is not wrong there are many suspicious things but for now I am ignoring it because its not the topic and I am not investigating it. (For any type of opinion I need a week of investigation but when DAN is supporting something that means the waste of time people trust its stake not him or the facts:) You can trust me I am not related to it anyhow but I will try to contact him sooner.
I am not against the DHF funds, I am against the Steemit, Steemit Reps and Promotors. They misguide innocent people and make them slaves as they already are by giving them huge hopes. The Steemit Team feed these reps and promoters to stick with them and the f()king reps corn their own people. Its like a ponzi project launch on hive by an unknown and they made some of the people as brand ambassadors and promoters by giving them huge rewards. Now these greedy people invite thousands of innocent people to that ponzi scheme. The people invest millions of dollars on their behalf and the company run away with that money. Now all the ambassadors/promoters will become innocent and there excuses will be we were not aware of it, We also lost our money etc we are sorry but the reality is The ponzi company did not fraud the people actually the promoters.
I was reading a comment from the @jude9 (@oppongk) who claims his original account get hacked some time ago etc and he never recover it, When he is a Country representative of steemit who was promoting the steemit with @mcsamm till the last year until the steemcurators were rewarding their activites. Now the oppongk is using his steemit account but his hive account is hack when the both accounts have the same password.
I am not against the innocent people of Steemit but the leaders, The Ghanian were happily working on the steemit until the steemcurator one was rewarding them and their leaders but the day steem curators stop supporting them they closed everything and they realise the steemit is a centralized platform lol. Now the Ghana people are coming to hive as their leader shifted or order them to shift one by one.
The Leaders Become Promoter of Hive @mcsamm, @collinz, @nattybongo, @jude9 and many more and now they are inviting there slaves to Hive by getting good support and funds. The poor members of their team remains poor and the F()king leaders again become leaders and getting thousand of rewards.
The @valueplan has funded them 65k HBD in a year which is a huge amount for the promotional purposes specifically for a single person. They withdraw all the amount from the investor's money and the investors are unaware what the stakeholders are doing with their money. If we go through the proposal of Boreholes, A borehole require $4324 and if we do some math the amount was enough for 15 boreholes and they are now contrasting 8th borehole. One thing that is also suspicious, Who is donating the land for these boreholes? Is it a govt. approved project? If approved than it is not possible the govt. is not donating money for these projects. It is also possible they have shake hand with some govt. contractors where they are using the promotional stickers of the Hive while the Govt. is funding these projects and all the money directly goes to there own pockets.
Minnows save their Hive for the betterment/future of the platform and some creepy scammers are withdrawing all the funds that relates to the investors, not from the Stakeholders. I was just investigating MCSAMM who was promoting steemit till the last year but once the steemcurator withdraw their support they leave the steemit and also withdraw the funds from the community account name Steem Ghana which was created and was funded for supporting the minnow steemians. If they can withdraw fund from the community account that clears these promoters don't care about their community or other people, The money is all they need and now Hive is funding them. Again I wasn't have any intentions with the DHF I found a huge amount while investigating these scammers but now I am more interesting in Investigating the DHF funds and some xyz curators who are suspiciously circling the upvotes so now on I will definately gonna create weeks stats on the funding and also curational reports so the community and investors get aware where there funds are using.
The steemit team and the reps have a rule those people who are active on Hive they don't support it on steemit and the same rule apply on the community accounts for getting support from the curators. The community leaders make rules for the their community member, Do not go to hive otherwise they won't support them and the minnows follows the instruction given by there leaders. The other people who leaved the steemit and joined the Hive was sleeping since the last two years, They were also sleeping when the club rules were applied on the steemit but they all woke up when steem curators withdraw there support. They think all the Hivers are fool just because they fooled some stakeholder and who knows what are indoor deal between the promoters and the supporters but of course non of my business.
These people are actually not getting funds but the Hivers money through the DHF, The HBD/Hive belongs to and the as the rule the stake holders have the power to use these HBD/Hive wherever they want but USDT and the FIAT belongs to the investors who are getting badly hurt. It also effecting the Hive platform and its content creators but the Hive people are happy on welcoming these scammer.
Tell me one thing, How much time does it take to a content creator to earn eemit 65k dollars?
The Ghana Promotion will bring the investor to Hive? No, The investor do not trust any dash person who was promoting steemit till the last year and now asking the investors to join hive steemit is a fraud. In reality the investor is thinking the @mcsamm and his team is a fraud not the steemit where they have invested there money since the split of the Platform.
Thanks for your reply!
Transparency on work and how/where money are spend. In my opinion it's not transparent ask money for a computer and don't show the invoice, and so on and so on.
Anyway, I really have to read all to be able to take one side. I know great part of us from steem times hate what steem is right now, also me. But all of we more or less have supported steem. I leave it on the day hive born, some for diverse reason, stay for a while and left after realize what steem is right now.
Like I said I don't have all info needed to take one side, like prices and where the money was spend, but in Ghana case I see people having fresh water maybe for the first time in their lives. It is possible that there are some not explained expenses? Yes, but I don't know. What I know is, Ghana is not the only project funded by valueplan and there are others with much more money (I can give you compiled data from valueplan tx) where I also have doubts and lots of things are not clear.
Hive is giving me a lot of money, more than you could think,sponsoring an event than is less than 4 hours, people doing calisthenics nice.
An event just like that, It doesn't cost more than 7000$.
Many SWC organizations create the same events for less money but hive is giving away money to one single person.
They don't send money to the community they send money to me.
The numbers are more interesting here, since Mar 9, 2022 @valueplan has funded 119k HBD to @manuelramos the founder of Street Workout Community (SWC) for using the Hive logo in their activities. We would love to see what Hive has gained in return by spending 119k HBD except a list of users who has introduced and leave or Some making same content like a single person is creating it for them.
I am sure @xmanuelramos is an ex-member of this promoting campaign.
With $120k you buy a good house with swimming pool there :)
I don't live there but I could buy a house with all the money Hive gave me and is giving me.