Think I've fixed the problem. This one should do the trick. It's not fast, so it will take some time to run:
import sys
import json
from lighthive.client import Client
def get_all_account_names(client):
acc0 = ""
while True:
accounts = client.lookup_accounts(acc0,16)
if acc0:
yield accounts[1:]
yield accounts
if not accounts or len(accounts) == 1:
acc0 = accounts[-1]
def get_account_basinifo(client, accounts):
for account in client.get_accounts(accounts):
if (account["last_vote_time"][:4] == "2022" or account["last_post"][:4] == "2022"):
location = []
for candidate in ["json_metadata", "posting_json_metadata"]:
if "{" in account[candidate]:
data = json.loads(account[candidate])
if "profile" in data:
data = data["profile"]
if "location" in data:
except Exception as ex:
if location:
yield [account["name"], location]
c = Client()
for accountchunk in get_all_account_names(c):
for account_info in get_account_basinifo(c, accountchunk):
print(account_info[0], ":", json.dumps(account_info[1]))
Getting output like this now:
a-0-0-0-real-dex : ["Worldwide", "Metaverse"]
a-alice : ["Mars"]
a-dalora : ["Germany", "Germany"]
a-g-shard : ["San Diego", "San Diego"]
a-journal : ["I live on planet Hive"]
a-quarius : ["Portugal", "Portugal"]
a-secondchance : ["Kuala Lumpur"]
a-steem-whale : ["Malaysia", ""]
a-white-ryan-o : ["Berkeley, CA"]
a0i : ["Montreal, Quebec, Canada", "Canada / Istanbul"]
a1-shroom-spores : ["FE"]
a1000carv : ["Venezuela", "Venezuela"]
a1edutech : ["India"]
a4ankit21 : ["Himalya"]
a4d : ["Virginia, USA"]
aa11 : ["earth", "earth"]
aa9 : ["Atjeh", "\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22"]
aaa-winner : ["the Win zone", "the Win zone"]
aaalviarez : ["Venezuela"]
aadi-parin : ["Italy"]
aadilmir : ["India"]
aafeng : ["likerid:aafeng17936", "Earth"]
aafeng.test : ["Steemit", "Steemit"]
aafra123 : ["Bangladesh"]
aagabriel : ["Antarctica", "Antarctica"]
aahadrizwan : [""]
aak23 : ["Central Europe"]
aakash.sachdeva9 : ["India"]
aakashsinghbais : ["India", "India"]
aakom : ["Join the community ==>>", "Join the community ==>>"]
aaliyahholt : ["Chicago,IL"]
aaloulou : [""]
aalsi-you-later : ["Pune India", "Pune India"]
aamirasghar : ["Pakistan"]
aamirijaz : ["Islamabad, Pakistan ", "Islamabad, Pakistan "]
aamirwattoo : ["Lahore (Pakistan)"]
aamizone : ["Bangalore, India"]
aanantajit : ["Venezuela"]
aandin07 : [""]
aanjnaysharma7 : ["Kullu | Manali | Chandigarh "]
aarauz15 : ["Panama", "Panama"]
aare-no-stain : ["Lagos", "Lagos"]
aarin-adebiyi : ["Nigeria "]
aarolita : ["Venezuela"]
aaron05 : ["venezuela"]
aaronadventures : ["Canada"]
aaronkroeblinger : ["Austria", "Austria"]
aaronleang : ["Malaysia", "Malaysia"]
aaronli : ["likerid:luenlun", "Hong Kong"]
aaronmota : ["M\u00e9xico"]
aaronphammait : ["Vietnam"]
aaronsant5 : ["Venezuela"]
aaronsuncamacho : ["Nevada City, CA", "Nevada City, CA"]
aarontaggert : ["Oak Harbor, Washington, USA", "Oak Harbor, Washington, USA"]
aaronteng : ["Earth", "Earth"]
aaroonjlarab : ["BARRANQUILLA - COLOMBIA"]
aarundelhi : [""]
aarzun : [""]
aashirrshaikh : ["\ud83c\udf0d"]
aashish-kandel : ["Bharatpur, Nepal"]
aasthaparmar : ["Himachal"]
aax-exchange : [""] : ["Bulgaria"]
ab-com : ["World ", "World "]
abachon : ["Germany"]
Five minutes of output, no dutchies yet, and barely at 'ab', but maybe if someone a little closer to the fire runs it, it might be faster, not sure.