If you are into too many things, just take a break and breathe

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Hey everyone, Hope you are doing good...

We always learn lessons from our life, I feel our life is the teacher who guides us and gives us lessons. But of course, learning style is not like academic life but every situation leaves something for us. Something meaningful, something for the future.

In this video, I have shared my recent realization and what I have learned in the past few weeks.

Just want to say, when you are involved in so much, just take a break, pause, and start new. Just like clicking reload or refresh option, because not every day is the same but can be unique. Bad situations come and go away, it's part of our life...


Watch my video for more details...

Thanks a lot for watching...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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You make a lot of sense. When it comes to breaks, ASK ME ABOUT IT! I must have mastered taking breaks. Often, it is really a byproduct of burn outs or just losing the motivation to continue something in search of another that lights the fire of excitement. Hopfully you have found a nice balance between things and have prioritized your schedule in a way that breaks arent really necessaary.

Well, you know me I think and you already know I have been into so many things and as you have mentioned that you also take a break when necessary so I also just take a break and pause for a while...

Its not a good word for me cause when I think to take break, I stop working for a long time. May be it needs you but I am so much lazy enough. Ha ha ha.
Best of luck.

hello dear friend @priyanarc
People usually do those things, to take everything that comes to us, it does not matter if we have time to do it, we always find a space for it, without realizing that every time we load more with jobs or obligations, it is as you say, there is to stop and rest to renew the energies
I appreciate that you will play this topic have a wonderful night

Completely agree with you, sometimes for a change or to start fresh, we should take a break to break monotony...