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RE: Update, Let's Talk

in Threespeak5 years ago

I really don't know where to start. Things are collapsing at much higher rate than I have seen over my life. Some of the situations I never ever thought HUMANITY would ever have seen. Sometimes I really wonder is it the life that we are all fighting for? and was it really worth it ?

This lock down have really shown the TRUE faces of those Politicians (at least of my country) , in amidst this life and death situation they are thinking of scouring profits from people in every damn way. Sometimes I really wonder, if they will take all the money along with them in the grave.

While you are correct, making thyself first stand to a position where you can make yourself stand strong is indeed a must deal for the time being. While I wish sth could be done from my end as well. Don't wanna feel this feeling of being left out in the next coming years. That's for sure.

While sorry to hear about your Mother, hope she recovers soon. And your bro hope he is stays well.

Besides, this situation is going to be a much more hazardous one in the coming days and I hope HUmanity survives, along with a lesson.
Stay safe & strong.