Opening 20 PSYBERX Crates! ESP/ENG

in Threespeak2 years ago

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Cofres de PSYBERX

En este video en Español voy a abrir unos 20 cofres de Psyberx! Gracias a la baja de precios de los cofres de 20$ a 5$ y que anteriormente habia comprado cofres me enviaron unos cofres demas para equiparar mi inversion, me parecio una medida bastante justa y buena de parte del team, por experiencia en otros proyectos hubiesen bajado el precio de los cofres y los que compraron alto pues se fregaron, no tienen nada que hacer y nada que reclamar, eso habla de la buena voluntad de parte del team y que no son unos cerdos codiciosos tratando de sacarnos dinero de cualquier manera!

In this video I am going to open about 20 Psyberx chests! Thanks to the price drop of the chests from 20$ to 5$ and that I had previously bought chests they sent me some extra chests to equalize my investment, I thought it was a pretty fair and good measure from the team, from experience in other projects they would have lowered the price of the chests and those who bought high because they got screwed, they have nothing to do and nothing to claim, that speaks of the good will of the team and that they are not greedy pigs trying to get money from us in any way!


En mi busqueda lo que mas deseo es una carta OVERLORD es extremadamente dificil de conseguir de hecho no se si alguien la consiguio ya con los crates normales, actualmente no tengo ninguna carta overlord y solo tengo una carta legendaria quizas algun dia tenga esas cartas, ya veremos!

In my search what I want most is a card OVERLORD is extremely difficult to get in fact I do not know if anyone got it already with the normal crates, currently I have no overlord card and I only have a legendary card maybe someday I will have those cards, we'll see!


En esta apertura tuve mala suerte aunque no es que fue muy malo, saque 2 epicas! Y de paso fueron 2 epicas que no tenia hehe y tambien raras aunque las raras no es que sean la gran cosa y aparte de eso solo fueron poco comunes y comunes! El orden de rarezas es el siguiente; Comun, poco comun, raro, epico, legendario y overlord!

In this opening I had bad luck although it was not that bad, I got 2 epics! And by the way there were 2 epics that I didn't have hehe and also rares although the rares are not that great and apart from that they were only uncommon and common! The order of rarities is as follows; Common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary and overlord!


Actualmente hay un concurso activo en @psyber-x que consiste en que la primera persona que consiga una carta overlord de los cofres que compre va a ganar 750.000 $LVL y eso equivale a aproximadamente 250$-300$ el costo de unos 50-60 cofres! Quizas si compras 50 cofres y te sale una overlord los cofres te pueden salir gratis! Aunque no es tan facil, las posibilidades de conseguir una overlord son de 0.01% espero que a la hora de usarlos en los juegos realmente se vea una diferencia abismal en comparacion a las otras cartas de menor rango!

There is currently an active contest on @psyber-x where the first person to get an overlord card from the chests they buy will win 750,000 $LVL and that's about 250$-300$ the cost of 50-60 chests! Maybe if you buy 50 chests and get an overlord the chests will be free! Although it's not that easy, the chances of getting an overlord are 0.01%, I hope that when it comes to using them in the games you will really see a huge difference compared to the other lower ranked cards!


Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de ver el video y de leer mi post! Seguramente este haciendo un giveaway en @titoraffles

👀 Unete al discord de Psyberx AQUI

👀 Si quieres participar de giveaways sigue a la cuenta @titoraffles

Todas las imagenes fueron creadas con canva por mi y utilice screenshots de la pagina de Psyberx.

Hasta la proxima!

play to earn, first person shooter & unreal engine 5 gaming gamers fps shooting

#psyberx #myria #hive #p2e #fps #ue5

Thanks for taking the time to watch the video and read my post! I'm probably doing a giveaway on @titoraffles.

👀 Join Psyberx discord HERE

👀 If you want to participate in giveaways follow the account @titoraffles

All images were created with canva by me and I used screenshots from the Psyberx website.

See you next time!

play to earn, first person shooter & unreal engine 5 gaming gamers fps shooting

#psyberx #myria #hive #p2e #fps #ue5

▶️ 3Speak


Muy buen video loco. Muchos packs abriste. Un par de epicas no esta nada mal

No fue lo mejor del mundo pero lo mas lindo fue que fueron 2 epicas que no tenia aun!!!