I doubt anything will happen, it's said he just miss spoke on the date and he meant Feb 24. I don't see how that would cause people to remember that date unless that date happens to lead to something other than what's happening inside the borders of Ukraine right now.
In all due logic, I'll just give it to you as it would ordinarily unfold, would be if the war was to expand outside Russia and Ukraine borders than logically you'd go after the country who set the whole reset concept into process. That country, also the other day took control of a Russian owned refinery in their country. Even Trump called them out for their expansionist encroachments, that country would be Germany, I am just sayin' because Ukraine plays big into the whole reset concept as one of the worlds largest deposits of titanium and other minerals needed for the success of a global reset. I am basing this on that Russia isn't really into the reset game but I highly doubt it. Ukraine will or they plan on Ukraine being a seventeen billion dollar operation by 2030 in titanium and other minerals needed for the transition, but the reason I am skeptical is because Obama and them were never behind the so called scene drilling for oil deposits as some have said, they were setting up green energy mining operations in Dnipro, Ukraine in the villages of Korobchin and Kirovograd, so if Russia was against that whole transition process it would seem wiping out those green energy mining operations they built would be among his first targets. Unless of course he wants the technology behind it and the mining operations himself. Anyway, there's so much speculation as to a collapse of the financial system to nuclear weapons being thrown about but if one was to go about throwing around nuclear weapons logically you'd take it to the front door of who was head first and knee deep into this whole green energy reset, that would be beyond any doubt Germany. Just as a side note per se, Trump was never against the Paris Accord, he was against not getting a big enough piece of the pie. Germany has spent the last decade building the infrastructure through Europe to transition away from Russia so they could have other countries bid for their business to bring down their energy cost. They built a whole system based on the green energy than made deals with what they called "global partnerships" by using development bank monies to guarantee investors a no loss on their investments. They'd than go to countries who needed monies from the development banks and coerce them into using a portion of that money to buy services and goods from the companies investors built in Germany based on the green technology concept. It was huge, Trump was right when he called it an expansionist encroachment, he warned them if they continued on the path they were on without the US getting a piece of that pie he'd make sure they got stuck getting their energy from Russia forever. Initially they laughed at him when he said but he got what he wanted. The reason he jumped on the bandwagon was because Germany was way out ahead in the game, a whole decades worth, it was hop on board or drown. That's what Trump did, he signed a deal with Juncker to send them our natural gas. Than Trump turned around and did similarly as Germany has over the last decade and gave Africa development funds that would involve building refineries in Africa to lower the cost of converting light crude to natural gas for shipment off to Europe, that's the only way he could or eventually that we can I should say, compete against China and India who have already built refineries to do the exact same thing. The refineries aren't finished yet, slowed by covid supposedly. That's why John Kerry said we are so far behind, he's right, when it comes to the green energy reset Germany was miles ahead of them in the game. Russia was in a global partnership with Germany, the fact Russia hasn't gone after those green energy mining operations or threatened Germany who are by far the cause of everything we see happening is why I still am unresolved in where this is really heading.