I know there has been reports of couples having passed spike proteins from vaccine but I haven't seen any reports out there where someone could exhale spike proteins by sneezing or coughing into the air. It's usually always close contact like as in bodily fluid type contact. Those are people who one couple got the vaccine but the other didn't than they came down with covid...is that from the vaccine or did they catch covid somewhere. The info may be out there somewhere that I haven't seen it yet confirmed by a medical professional and if I remember right Dr. Peter McCullough has made mention of reports of close body contact as in fluid contact. Though I don't think he has done in studies per se on it.
On the Bastyon site there was someone who posted a video of a doctor who had been trying to get his wife to try nicotine patches to get rid of her long covid. He had told her he had heard from other professionals that using nicotine patches 2 mg 4 times a day was working to solve long covid issues. Finally she relented and tried it, I think he mentioned it took four weeks for her to see improvement.
If you know of any links to vaccine spike spreading other than close bodily contact can you post them up for me as that does concern me.