Hive Giving Us Reason To Be Optimistic

in Threespeak5 years ago

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It is hard to believe that Hive still is less than 4 months old. In that time we saw a great deal of progress. It all started with the near flawless fork of Steem. As we are seeing now, that is not always as easy as thought.

In this video I discuss how we are seeing a number of applications/platforms come online. As this grows, it is presenting us with the opportunity to reach outside the ecosystem and attract more users.

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in 4 months it progress a lots looking for a future update

nice post.jpg

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When the fork happened, I followed the talent. Some of the witnesses were doing more than Steem, Inc. managed to do.

I don’t know what talent stayed behind on Steem that could successfully fork again, They need dapps. Otherwise it’s a vanity blockchain.

I see new developments happening on Hive constantly. The talent is here.

Posted Using LeoFinance

good afternoon

@taskmaster4450 i believe the hive token is doing well for now and it will do better in the future..

Posted Using LeoFinance

@taskmaster4450 the hive token is doing well and i believe it will do better in the future...

Posted Using LeoFinance