Bitcoin Now In The Hands Of Institutions: Is The Quest For Freedom Dead?

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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Bitcoin is being taken over by the big players. In a few years, the buying will be coming from governments and Wall Street. What does this mean for freedom? Is the dream of financial and economic freedom for humanity dead?

In this video I discuss how this is far from over and cryptocurrency, as a whole, is offering the path. It is like the file sharing services of old, they turned into giant games of whack-a-mole.

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Bitcoin may be dead as freedom but it is wealth for those who believed in it.

On a side note, I think I remember hearing that most of HIVE's current witness nodes are hosted on a selected few servers. I have heard that they plan to change that in the future but is it the same for Leofinance?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah there is still centralization in that regard. Most use cloudfare including

The new project that is being worked on might have a better chance of being decentralized.

There are a few witnesses who are running nodes on their own computers. That is helping a bit to decentralize things.

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I'm still not worried about Bitcoin being corrupted just because more centralized custodians are popping up. The institutions might be technically in control of the keys, but they are still legally bound to protect the funds of their clients.

The hacks will continue, and security will ramp up in response. In my mind not much has changed. These open networks are open, and we don't get to pick and choose who is allowed to hold tokens. It makes sense during the transition period of Web2 to Web3 that centralized custodians would be hugely popular. Let's see what happens after a few of these honeypots get hacked.

That being said I did write this one in 2018:

The great dragon of Bitcoin is about to be slain by the White Walkers.

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Oh I dont think the security is lessened by any stretch. Bitcoin is still highly secure with more miners and hashrate happening each month. The network itself is growing in terms if Satoshi's vision.

However, as a pathway to freedom, I think the other projects are the one's that are leading the way. They will create more value and tokens, over time than Bitcoin.

A lot is happening right before our eyes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree 100%, Bitcoin is no longer about freedom and I wrote about that two years ago when everyone was begging for financial institutions to kick in.

Here you have them, the dollar value has gone up, but most of the coins are in their pockets and quiet some dumb ones ended up with a few bucks that will either depreciate or be spend on things they really don't need.

The tech though is pure freedom and in my case for example Hive and Leofinance has given me a sort of financial freedom which BTC hasn't gave me. I can call this tech disruptive for this matter.

I haven't harnessed wealth by being active on this blockchain, but I did made a difference for my finances especially during this fake pandemic.

By the way, CZ shared a nice tweet today on where we actually are on the line of evolution in crypto and I subscribe to his analogy.

Here you have that image.


We're not even at the CD level, not to mention cloud storage...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is very true. We are early in the game.

To compare to the Internet, we havent even had our browser moment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoin is like the Apple of cryptocurrency. Sort of. You pay more for the brand, but it's not necessarily the best value in terms of use case. It's only has that high of a price because of its popularity.
I agree with being able to fork and have freedom. The only reason why corporations can meddle with currencies like the USD is because the governance of those currencies is centralized and controlled by certain powers. But just like with the Steemit/Hive debacle we can fork any cryptocurrency at any time.
And if we could fork the USD, we would. xD

Oh man, I remember LimeWire, it's a wonder that 24MB RAM machine that I used to download stuff on can still start up to this day.

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The difference is Bitcoin has a limit. Yes it can be forked but will not have the value. The interest of institutions is what is driving the price up. This means that we are going to see a lot more bigger players enter.

They do not care about freedom or a new form of money. To them it is an asset they can profit from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let them come. Unknowingly, or maybe knowingly, they will fund the movement of freedom while trying to make their own profit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


stop focusing on monetary value

the thing is that the majority of people are after money. To add to that all the big funds like greyscale and such are only after money so they won't actually see the potentials behind the project.

On the other hand, i believe everyday people will skip the money aspect and check the community/ project but sadly the everyday person doesn't have that much money as the big corporations and funds.

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