This video is jumbled man.
You make the case for government as gatekeeper and then say that the best way to win is to hide and build unnoticed.
When before, mainstream attraction is what everyone agreed is (was) the goal.
Then you rightfully make the point that big tech have really the greatest power over society. Well this technology still depends on them you know. The mantra of "decentralised is censor resistant" is treated as some 'safe space' but it would be interesting to know a detailed report from the likes of @blocktrades or @peakd ...
Because recently there was a bug of images not displaying or uploading. Which points to an issue on some (non-chain) server hosting that content (temporarily but an issue). So then if hypothetically this chain becomes significant and government or big tech sees it a threat. Then what type of system is it going to be if all there is is text held as immutable and everything else is broken?
If ultimately this is still pegged to big tech then it's really not disruptive or significant as a competitor.
People don't appreciate my opinion because I'm "pessimistic" but really those are fundamentals that are paramount to the future of this technology. They are issues THAT WILL ARISE and so they are issues that need fixing or at the least serious attention.
They aren't issues NOW because this is just not big enough to be a bother to both gov and bigtech. That's the goal though no? So then logic will ultimate mean there's a storm coming that people here aren't ready for. The entire crypto sphere really.
That is IF..
This tech gains significant market share.
Which, IMO, is a long way away. Anyway at least you, and Dan now agree that there is much building to be done still. When not only a few months ago, you both were claiming "it's finished ready for mainstream." Dan even claiming "Hive is a popping Island."
It's a long road.
Tech is still speculative.
Reality however is definitive.
Without a doubt, I agree with you 100% on this. There is something coming that people are not prepared for, both within the crypto world and outside. However, focusing upon that, few realize the force that we are going to be butting up against. Power is not something anyone give up freely and there is a lot of it held by a handful of poeple.
Government is a problem, but then again so is big tech. That is the first battle that we see forming. Who will win that is anyone's guess but with the way these tech companies are acting, I think they know the field is in their favor. They usurp any single government since national boundaries do not apply to them.
As for the point you bring up about Hive and the different components, I also agree with you. There is a lot that still needs attention. Simply having a blockchain doesnt make anything decentralized. We still have URLs that can be zapped, images stored on cloud which is run by a few companies, and even an internet access that is controlled by a few companies.
Even the DeFi world, mostly housed on Ethereum, could pretty much be obliterated by Amazon since a great many of the apps are actually housed on AWS.
Yes there is still a lot of building to be done. Hive can pop to great heights and still be a rounding error on the Internet. An explosion to 100K users (which is likely a 10x) is still nothing online. With Facebook entering the fray with their Diem token, that is a new target. Is this a sign of Zuckerberg's confidence that he is above the governments? Perhaps. Sure they pulled back a bit after the resistance in Europe but that did nothing to stop his march forward. I feel this will put a new target out there in addition to Bitcoin.
Something like Hive, even at 100K users (or even a million) still is under the radar. It will be a few years before even the hybrid financial system of Defi with centralized, traditional apps over the top of them becomes mainstream. Social media, gaming and things like that could change quickly but, again, compared to EA sports, there is still a ton to do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Videos and pictures do not have a decentralized system ... i hope hive users don't tell people "hive is a censorship resistent way to store pictures or videos" because it's certainly not true.
The realm of video has been historically much more sensitive ... way more than pictures... but it's way way more expensive to host video and there have been much more consistent picture hosting sites than video hosting.
I think there needs to be more options for picture/video hosting for example I myself usually link pictures from my own website instead of upload to peakd. I have pushed for giving our users options for where they want their pictures stored when they upload a picture for example. IF one of those systems was some sort of decentralized storage then that's awesome we shall see what becomes available maybe @fulltimegeek is working on something i hear?
In any case we may not have the present tech for censorship resistent if you stipulate it has to be free to the user... BUT what we could do is decentralize by giving users their own choice. But with choice means you're giving the user responsibility and they sometimes hate the work involved with that. But perhaps something easy to use essentially asking the user "Who do you trust" that level of decentralization in my opinion is a big step forward.
But then ... how do we get the time to work on it or where do we find someone to contract out to do that work without disrupting the other work @asgarth is doing on peakd.