Axie Infinity PvP: On the way to the top +1400 cups (GamePlay) [Es/En]

in Threespeak3 years ago

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La meta sigue siendo la misma y espero alcanzarla pronto sobre pasar las 2000 copas en la academia que me encuentro muchos de mis compañeros lograron terminar en +2400 copas porque no podría llegar yo allá? Solo seré constante y paciente.
Y bueno el día de hoy les traigo como siempre 3 de mis victorias que me permitieron ascender de rango, los equipos a los que derrote estaban compuestos de la siguiente manera:
Equipo #1: Planta, Mech, Ave.
Planta combinada con bestia y bicho, Mech puro y ave con doublé talk.
Equipo #2: Planta, Bicho, Dusk.
Planta con rose bug combinada con sandal de bicho, bicho con discard, y dusk disablesaur.
Equipo #3: Planta, Dusk, Dusk.
Planta combinada con bicho leaf bug y veneno, dusk termi 2.0 básico y dusk con cartas de bestia combinado con blackdoor de pez.
Un tanto tediosos estos equipos derrotados no? pero de igual de manera alcance la victoria y quede posicionado en las 1409 copas. :D

Link del video:

BNB/BSC: 0x46ee93cb2c1b95c72808e5f8cabfea48a61d3112
ETH/ERC20: 0x46ee93cb2c1b95c72808e5f8cabfea48a61d3112
WAX: tvjk..c.wam
#Axieinfinity #PostToEarn #AxieScholarship #Nftgame #CupsUp Hola amigos el día de hoy nos vamos sobre las +1400 copas de #axieinfinity, aun no nos han permitido reclamar nuestros AXS ganados en la temporada pasada ya han anunciado que será para el 29 de marzo de igual modo seguimos ascendiendo de copas en esta nueva temporada en varias partidas he sido derrotado ya que las batallas en la arena están un tanto difíciles pero igual son más las victorias que derrotas y logramos posicionarnos sobre las 1400 copas. Y como siempre abajo les dejo el link del video saludos no olviden seguirme para más contenido sobre #axieinfinity. #Websites: Youtube: #Donations: #BLOCKCHAIN #NFTGAME #POSTTOEARN


The goal is still the same and I hope to reach it soon, surpassing the 2,000 cups in the academy that I find myself in. Many of my classmates managed to finish at +2,400 cups, why couldn't I get there? I'll just be consistent and patient.
And well today I bring you as always 3 of my victories that allowed me to move up in rank, the teams I defeated were composed as follows:
Team #1: Plant, Mech, Bird.
Plant combined with beast and bug, pure Mech and bird with double talk.
Team #2: Plant, Bug, Dusk.
Plant with rose bug combined with sandal bug, bug with discard, and dusk disablesaur.
Team #3: Plant, Dusk, Dusk.
Plant combined with leaf bug and poison, dusk termi 2.0 basic and dusk with beast cards combined with fish blackdoor.
A bit tedious these defeated teams right? but in the same way I reached victory and was positioned in the 1409 cups. :D

Link del video:

BNB/BSC: 0x46ee93cb2c1b95c72808e5f8cabfea48a61d3112
ETH/ERC20: 0x46ee93cb2c1b95c72808e5f8cabfea48a61d3112
WAX: tvjk..c.wam
#Axieinfinity #PostToEarn #AxieScholarship #Nftgame #CupsUp Hello friends, today we are going over the +1400 cups of #axieinfinity, they have not yet allowed us to claim our AXS won last season, they have already announced that it will be for March 29, in the same way we continue to ascend the cups in this new season in several games I have been defeated since the battles in the arena are somewhat difficult but there are still more victories than defeats and we managed to position ourselves above the 1400 cups. And as always below I leave the link of the video greetings do not forget to follow me for more content about #axieinfinity. #Websites: Youtube: #Donations: #BLOCKCHAIN #NFTGAME #POSTTOEARN

▶️ 3Speak


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