Even though driving for hours can be a beat-down, I have always loved road trips. Your videos have brought back some memories for me. I used to have to drive for work from Dallas to places like New Orleans, Corpus Christi, Laredo, El Paso, and Amarillo. While my trips were not a week long, I generally had to drive eight to twelve hours, stay overnight at least one night, and then drive back home. I always brought my camera and made interesting stops long the way.
Oh, and I have done the driving through the night gig a few times myself. On one flying trip I got up at 3:00 am so I could leave the house at 5:00 am in order to make it where I was going before noon. I then worked until almost 9:00 pm (the last ferry across the Mississippi was at 9:00 pm) and hit the road back home. I pulled in the driveway a little after 4:00 am the next day (to say that my wife was not happy with me would be an understatement). I also missed that ferry before and had to drive 100 miles south (out of my way) to Baton Rouge in order to cross the Mississippi (the next closest crossing spot). That adds about three hours to the trip (not fun). I think I only missed the ferry twice (once as it was pulling away from the dock...I was steamed).
Thanks for sharing your adventure.
LOL Oh man, it's awesome isn't it...In another life, I would have been a trucker lol I love the road.
My mother tells me that as a kid, when I grew up I wanted to be either a truck driver or a race car driver. I became neither.