Let's Talk Marketing.

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Let's Talk Marketing. Anyone that wants to help with marketing of any kind please reach out as we are starting to organize.

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I’d love an excuse to make another promo video; something slick that can sell the Hive benefits in under 60 seconds.

A bit like this I did in early 2019, but better.

@ashtv, Is this video on #LBRY anywhere? I would recommend that and we can share it around from there.

Oof. I just realized its a Steem video. Any chance you could redo one with #Hive branding?

Ha! Yeah this is an old Steem one I did, just using it as an example.
It’s only on YouTube currently but future projects could go anywhere.

would be awesome if you could make another video!

Yeah man, I would like to.
It’s really about getting the right information across; and at the moment I’m not clued up enough on the benefits of Hive to the regular user that isn’t just some rewards.

So some input and discussion about who a video should be aimed at is worth having.

I'd encourage you to make a post about it and ask the community; there is already pretty good info on your reply

Yeah. I’ve posted about it before about 6-9 months ago with varying replies. People have such diverse views it’s tricky to stick to something without making others frustrated. But hey ho, can’t please them all!

Nicely done Ash,

Ah cheers mate!

My 2 cents: Don't mention the rewards.

Fair point

May I ask why, from your point of view?

Mentioning the rewards attracts the worst kind of people.

The sophistication of Hive Blog should sell itself:

  • Custodianship of your social media account (You own it)
  • Fee-less transactions
  • Send money to anywhere in the world in less than 4 seconds
  • Human Network (thousands of users worldwide)
  • Your data lives forever on the Blockchain
  • Limitless opportunity (2nd layer dapps)

Very good points.

We need promo vids like this one, indeed

Fantastic Video. I make these too.... 4,700 Subscribers on Youtub and 9,000,000 views on HideoutTV... see you over there.

Nice work!

Looks nice and I think it includes everything to attract new audience to HIVE. They can learn more about HIVE once they join the platform.

This isn’t a Hive video though. It’s an old Steem promo video I made, as an example

I've been marketing to my fellow longboarders in a new way recently. I ask the global longboarding communities for videos to share on my "blog", and offer to send them 50% of the profits the post makes. Then I try to convince them to just join to receive the Hive directly, rather than sending a transfer since some of that money ends up going to the transfer fees.
A few just told me to keep the profits, cause it was only $4, but if more ppl do that, I might create a prize pool for when the ball really gets rolling. Probably will at that point share 3 videos in one post, and have ppl decide which they want to get the prize money.
So far @skatehive is helping a lot, but could always use more eyes and bigger prizes. 🤷‍♂️

Always happy to help with awesome initiatives like this one @howweroll

Don't know if you saw this about Lite Accounts: https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@khaleelkazi/durnibxb

Amazing work by the people over at Leo

There is so much things could be done, the publicity is important but it need to get right amount of money, be consistent and basically never stop.

Finally had the time to check out this clip. Thanks Dan!

Marketing is one of the most powerful ways to increase awareness, if, and I do have to say it twice, if it is executed properly and well-thought-out. With "regular" businesses, it is much easier to grasp their vision and mission. With HIVE, however, it is much harder to grasp our vision and mission. Simply because the options HIVE provides are basically limitless when it comes to sharing and storing data.

The way how I see it is that HIVE is a powerful engine with usability/features we, ourselves, haven't fully explored yet. With so many cool things on HIVE, it is really important to prevent a too complex marketing campaign that tries to cover -all-. We kinda have to ask ourselves, what do we want to highlight first, second, and so on. To properly coordinate a campaign that catches one specific key-element/feature is much easier, and much more rewarding than launching one specific campaign that tries to cover it all (which mostly results in too much information to process, too many reasons to not do it, and so on).

As for the DAO proposal, are people aware of how much design/marketing costs, versus the un-tangible and tangible/visible results? We all live in different regions worldwide (different rates). Do we have a full brand-manual? @roelandp made our logo, right? We have colors, but no specific rules on how to place the logo in a design, vertically/horizontally/square to keep it easy to recognize. Branding is super important before launching a marketing campaign.

If I were to file in a proposal to create a brand-manual for HIVE (and designers), who would take the responsibility to give feedback, agree, and deem it as a fundamental use of the HIVE blockchain? I would love to consult with you, @blocktrades, @roelandp (logomaker), @ocd and other high-active community leaders that are somewhat also dependant on the look and feel of HIVE branding as well (but I have no idea nor judgment on who that would be). The ones I created, took about 1.5K EUR - 2.5K EUR budget, including additional brand-assets. The reason why I haven't filed a proposal, is mainly because I noticed people aren't aware of the costs to create such a manual (and probably because other countries can do it cheaper (with perhaps questionable results)).

I've two more projects to round up, but I'm def. down with creating a fundamental strong base for HIVE, starting with a brand-manual, as well as to continue onwards with creating a roadmap to execute marketing strategies.

Just curious, have you spotted anyone on our chain that caught your attention that creates awesome stuff?

As I being to work on the second Hackathon, I want to take it beyond Hive and try to get it in front of many more people and journalists.

Dapplr team can help with the graphics for marketing. Let's keep the party going.

Another place seeming great for this sort of grassroots marketing is Quora, all the topics about blogging, alternative and passive income, technology. Today I answered the first question about earning money by blogging, waiting for approval.

Do we have any marketing-oriented community on Hive?

Thanks a million for the shoutout Dan.
Moving house took my focus away from HIVETwitter. I’ll bring back my consistency and intensity from Next week to our collective community efforts with our HIVE Twitter movement.

Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both you will be unstoppable

I am very interested in helping. I have been doing some work on Twitter, but I really think the other platforms are ripe for the picking as well. I have a small impact as probably many of us do as individuals on those platforms, but if we work smart and together, we could most definitely make some waves.

Obviously, I can be found here or anyone is welcome stop by the Discord server: https://discord.gg/5fPatJx

If you have a place where people are organizing already, I'll be there.

Which discord is that? Be cool to see what peeps are up to.

Link in the comment above. I'm looking forward getting with the program too.

Posted using Dapplr

Curious to help with Marketing. Got 5000 followers on Facebook and starting to buidl Twitter.

Got experience with PR and Marketing and I know how to create an ad or few

I help promote via teitter, is there a prize?

This video is spot on!

Love how your video is animated by your cursor moving around XD

I dunno if I can help much, but I can help with editing marketing materials if called upon. Lemme know.

karma, tick tok, tick tok.
