
I really appreciate that you respect the difficulty of challenging games.
Diablo 1 was so damn creepy and dark.
They really don't make games like this anymore, and it's so unacceptable.
Especially now in this new era of programmable money...

I had completely forgotten about Ragnarok, it's been so long since I saw a post about it.

I think I have some Ragnarok tokens somewhere, but I have no idea where to see them.

They were traded on but this is not longer working. Says a lot about the game...

When we can claim our duat token? for uses it in the game, nice news we have been waiting for it my Lord.
Best regards.

New game on Hive, this is interesting.

This is going to be fun seeing the outsiders that sell everything, trying to make a buck LOL

I am very excited for this game and want to join this game, thanks for your information, first time heard about this game.

Glad to see work in being done in the background :)

keep it up