Labels Don't Matter in Web3 - Let's Talk

in Threespeak2 years ago

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @wilsonthe, @yeckingo1, @shiftrox, @merit.ahama, @technicalside, @theycallmedan, @joydukeson, @idksamad78699, @claudio83, @seckorama, @michupa, @urun, @christy01 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Why don't you just quote him here and then write your reply? If he wants the last word, he can sign up.

I tested it, included hive hashtag drops views. But even more interesting, you can't see them easily on other devices.

I do have not a huge sample size, but there is a pattern.

BTW "shameless promo", Psyberx game starts end of the week with multiplayer alpha on steam, so maybe that could be used to advertise hive more and free transactions and so on.

Better as paid advertisement is IMO projects that build here. Also more difficult to censor :)

PsyberX ha, I want to play!


I am at duty right now I will listen this after my duty finished

Twitter's censorship is only going to get worse now that super villain #ElonMusk is in charge.

Web3 has the ability to transform someone from nothing to something and simply help make a brand out of that. Consider also the decentralized and censorship-resistant nature of web3 and that should be reasons alone to shift your social media presence to it. And this is why we are all here on the Hive blockchain, 3Speak, and later on Speak Network which is in the making.

Sr. Is it possible to put a shadow ban on any user on hive blockchain?

What exactly are we talking about?

I have what to say🤷🤷🤷

The conditions that we’ve been brought up in are incredibly unique. Not only was there the takeover and fork but we were abandoned by our “papa” only to find that we didn’t need him and as a community probably knew better than him.

Even for those who don’t agree with the ideals of hive, I think if they dig deep enough into it will find it an incredible social experiment. Love it or hate it, there really isn’t anything like it.

Yep. A lot of what you said all boils down to fear. It's just fear. Running a node, promoting your favorite coin, saying the wrong thing somewhere, or even building anything at all in fear that it will get you in trouble (the disruptive nature of Hive itself). Being disruptive though in a good way, brings good and disrupts the bad who only want to control, cage, and tax us, etc.

Labels lol. It's just wordspeak. Spelling, or casting "spells". Their maritime laws will not deter me from doing my best to disrupt.

"99% of assets produced by the crypto industry are securities"

Imo if you build a great product or service, you should then have the ability to promote it however you wish. DYOR. NFT's, UIA's, Securities, whatever. Free-market capitalism. "Legal" in their eyes, or not. #agorism #counter-economics

Twitter throttling #Hive has become obvious and yeah, shadow-banning us is way worse than an outright ban. We have to spend our valuable time trying to combat the beast instead of rendering it obsolete to begin with. Use web3 instead of just talking about it... #dbuzz #3speak

Personally I am pouring a lot more energy these days into marketing what we have already built, and decentralising what's left (like adding the minio support to hive-tube). If people cared more about leaving the constructs than trying to operate within them, the world would already be pure web3. #decentralize

Hive can be whatever we want it to be. I identify as a brick, how about that? Hive identifies as a clown or a butterfly. Honestly who gives af. I'm tired of being polite as well. We are building stuff that can literally free humanity but yeah, it can feel sometimes like we are alone in the wilderness.

Since the early bitshares days I have experienced these kinds of people even in crypto. They didn't care about the platform at all, they just wanted their profit so they could dump. Damn I hate that. Don't those people have friends, kids or family, or want to build anything of value that could provide them with security or those profits for years to come? There's a hell of a lot more to crypto than just money.

We are quietly breaking their chains, one link at a time. #hive

I scrolled through the entire Twitter thread. At least here in Germany you are not visible or at least limited in reach. The same goes for your reply to Elon. I don't know how to get out of a shadow ban, but it would be a huge marketing plus if you were visible on Twitter and could discuss there. Maybe you can get out of it with a blue check mark.