We (Hive) are currently at level one, post content immutably, and earn some hive token. Hive Engine showed what's possible here, and Hive needs a standard sidechain run like an open-source freemium chain rather than a business.
Creating Demand:
1 Immutable Community
2 A customized front end that shows only their communities content
3 A communites' ability to be discovered outside of their front end (IE PeakD, HiveBlog, 3speak, etc.)
4 Ability to create community token with business logic features (IE, Profit distributions, tying NFTs to token holders balances, etc.)
5 Ability to Spin up a community DAO.
▶️ 3Speak
We need to start creating some decentralized systems that are really inefficient and fill up the blocks. Games seem to do that quite well. Seeing so many Splinterlands custom JSONs is nice. Once RCs start running out these inefficient systems will have to tighten up their bandwidth usage on-chain because RCs will actually be worth something.
I'm very excited for the prospect of finally having RC pools... to the point of wondering if they may end up being even more important than SMTs. RCs need to be separated from HP delegations once and for all so the onboarding system is less exploitable.
Instead of cutting inflation, what about investing more on spreading the word?
Make big businesses want to join Hive for it's value as a network.
Show them what can be done with it's technology.
Make better documentation for the simple developers(because is outdated and pretty hard to understand). It would attract more small developers to try their dApp ideas or blog integrations.
Make it appealing to ad publishers, creating some sort of decentralized ad publishing systems with it's own rules.
Allow users to upload small media files on the Big Interface dApps, such as PeakD and And I am not talking about pictures only.
Make it more attractable for social media influences who love to complain about centralized AI censorship decisions.
With the "custom JSON" it is possible to create some kind of "Daily Story" system like the one most major social networks are using. It can be integrated with IPFS if needed to. Story files don't need to be there for more than 24 hours anyway. I think PeakD could make good use of such tool.
Good points here.
HIVE seems to never go up!! What is going on? I am worried!! 😱
Just made a post about that, check it out here
Hi @marki99, I check your article linked... good post!
We have to wait, I am convinced that the price will go up
More Content consumers, more organic interaction - that's the fuel of any social network.
I don't understand the technical part of all this, but I think I understand the human part, maybe not perfectly but I try.
Cheers! 😎🎥🎧
think you said everything i think about inflation but you said it much better :D
This sounds like more bullshit about sidechains and frontends that take away from the main chain that is Hive.
This business model also failed on Steem and is based on vapor. The idea that you can siphon millions of nonexistent users... complete bullshit and acts of desperation.
That's untrue. If it was true, Facebook wouldn't have bought out all it's competitors i.e. twitter, instagram and publicly listed.
Look at MySpace, fell to the wayside due to it's inability to expand and capture further markets. If you want to grow hive you need to grow its use and increase it's utilisation.
You want Hive to be the central coin that more communities expand off. This inturn drives more people to hive in order to access their communities. In turn increasing the demand of Hive.
This video is spot on!
If communities have their own coin like that of Leo, does it help the price of hive when people only purchase hive to be able to buy Leo and power up Leo instead of hive?
Spot on mate! This is so true. Look at the FB model they extended their reach and bought out competitors i.e. Insta, Snapchat, Twitter. To ensure they captured the whole market audience.
Not everyone wants to blog or write, some want different things. In order to capture the market you need to grow it's use.
In order to grow Hive we need to grow the communities.
Lol Facebook bought Twitter?
You overdosed on preworkout there Jack.
Also your example is about capturing market SHARE (potential profits) not audience. It's not like people are only allowed to use one social media platform. The userbase that Facebook exploits likely tweet too.
HIVE is just too basic as a platform to attract diverse communities though. The tools here for the social experience are absent so there's just no reason why established communities on the regular platforms would jump onto Hive. The whole experience here is primarily for crypto enthusiasts.. and money hungry fools who work their assess off for chum change.
It's a sad state what this 'COMMUNITY STICKS IT TO JUSTIN SUN' became. It had amazing Hype when they did that but folks here running things (on this allegedly decentralised revolution) have no clue how to capitalise or really develop Hive as a superior product/platform to steemit. So the thing went stale. I'm sure the penny dropped now that the token can't get momentum during a confirmed bull run.
If Hive is ever to become anything significant it's years away. Or it might actually be celebrating its first year into its slow death in a few months. Either way 2021 matters immensely.
Leadership here is nonexistent.
A few talented individuals. The rest are charlatans. The tiny loyal community that remains is then the poor souls that believe their bullshit. Which one are you. Do you believe your own bullshit? If so become a charlatan like the author of this video.
Milking a dead horse might leave a bad taste in your mouth though. Melbournians are better than that true.
Steem is just as dead, it's main flow was to witnesses and I felt very little went to content creators. It's interface hasn't changed. It is the same platform as when it started.
Trons integration hasn't seen much change if any. It didn't even support the Tron coin to rise.
I think it will be a long time away before either "blow up" but Hive has already started to grow communities. Look at Leo. It is emerging quite nicely.
Well said! Some want to turn knobs and flip switches in the code without looking at the big picture.
Good video
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Inflationary currencies are not necessarily evil, and we still haven't experimented enough with deflationary currencies on a wide-scale to see what happens in different situations. I think we can have an inflationary currency with some deflationary projects tied to it, like your SIP for example. Brave's system of buying back BAT is another simple example of a deflationary project on an inflationary currency.
This seems like a healthy balance that could allow us to rise in value as our community grows without becoming too rare or centralized. As we stabilize at a much larger scale and higher price the majority of the new value can flow into second layer tokens.
Your curation is pretty good, I see you supporting lots of different people
With a good enough sink(s) - inflation based systems can be offset so you get the security of inflation based system with the lower sell pressure of a capped token.
That’s exactly what I’m saying 😀 😀
Cut inflation and add hive on new big exchanges.
Reg. Parler:
My guess is that 99% of legit users won't ever get banned, hence why the argument for "you CAN'T get banned" is usually attracting the "wrong crowd".
I believe the world isn't ready yet for fully decentralized social platforms, rather they need a portal that builds a bridge between both worlds, giving them a taste for "decentralized security & ownership" while providing "transparent centralized features & simplistic UX". I mean, even HE isn't fully decentralized, but it's much more transparent than 99% of other businesses.
Parler has already banned people and will continue. They are literally no difference between Twitter and Parler; both centralized. Saying we won't ban you is just trusting them. I never said anything about being banned; I'm talking about breakaway communities where you own the keys to your account. The days of one site to rule them all is over; it will be several fronts ends, like Hive Blog, that can show what they want, but at the end of the day, the creators will have their own community sites to fall back on if anyone does ban them from a front end. Parler and Twitter are just communities that will grow more apparent as web 3 kicks into high gear.
That makes so much sense. And don’t doubt that all of this won’t get knocked out here pretty soon. The only thing that has taken forever is the SMTs other than that we do get a ton of good up grades every few months on hive.
I’ve got faith in these developers man, they’ve done a good job building a really solid foundation like you said.
Hey there Dan, I was wondering if your site ever plans on adding lower quality videos. I cannot view the content on 3speak with it being so good. I can watch youtube at 144p just fine and I suspect a HEFTY portion of the internet does as well, like in underdeveloped nations. If they and myself had an alternative from youtube that would be great!
You can watch 3speak videos in low quality, 320p. Just hit the settings wheel beneth the video to change resolutions. We all the videos for users so they can watch in a variety of resolutions.
Sadly, that's not low enough for my low connection. And my high ping usually prevents me from uploading even when I borrow my friends faster internet. :/ I understand that I'm the very odd duck out though and I just don't get nice things up here in the vast canadian arctic lol