
in Threespeak5 years ago

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I talk about the importance of bridging Hive to other ecosystems. We have a popping ass island, now it's time to build onramps from other networks.

▶️ 3Speak


We need to understand that there are many good crypto people who're fighting for the same freedom and decentralisation.

We need to find synergy wherever we can.

Let's Look for win win scenarios.

I feel we have all You said. We just don't have the social network part and the content that will actually make people start downloading the dapps and scroll to be entertained killing time on the internet. Because that's what people usually do when they look for social platforms!

I am a fan of the lightweight dapps on Hive and believe shortform content is a great way to get users staying on Hive. I still believe tokenized communities/dapps where people can be rewarded outside of just the reward pool is going to be key. We see lots utilizing this but I would like to see more. I'm working on a way to improve HE, will go public with the framework soon.

You do a lot of support even with your tweets asking for people to drop their links. But also You do have a huge stake and you can influence and help change the face of the community. And you can help make a bigger difference if you really believe that having other type of content here, related with many different themes and maybe even more silly and "facebook alike" per say. I don't know, something like You picking a small group of microbloggers, or 3speak users. Someone that just upload some different niche content and every month and a couple of different ones under your wing. Push their content to the hot and trending sections. Get them in touch with eachother and try to make them work together so even when you pick the next group they will still be thriving and pushing eachother and maybe be able to do the same for others. Maybe something like that would also change the view of other people with bigger stakes and maybe more of them could start seing that even a shorter posts or other niches can really bring value to the community. Just an idea.

I challenge the users who downvoted this post to speak their mind as to why they disagree.
If you believe in decentralization and this is not a good idea let's hear your concerns.
You are obviously heavily invested in Hive and in opposition to this initiative.

@innerhive @xxxxxxxxxx

Should be obvious.
Bridging = we need a life line.

So all the other projects that do this need life lines?
It is part of the evolution of the space.
And would give more people and projects exposure to Hive.

But Hive is celebrated as superior.
So then why aren't the other projects coming here saying "let us connect to you" instead Dan spins bullshit that Hive is "a popping island" and that bridging is a future possibility. It's rather hopeless too. Because just like someone said in another post. Steem had ability to do DeFi long ago and now that others make success with it, Hive wants to ride them coat tails.

4 years and this blockchain still doesn't know what it is our what direction it needs to take. Just speculation and selling hope to a shrinking community... AND a shrunken whale club.

That's why I call it a life line.
It's nothing definitive. Investors seek true commitment to a goal a roadmap detailing that path and past achievements proving a capable team.

I can understand your frustration but honestly Hive is not 4 years old.
I came here in March in the middle of the HF from Steem and since that move Hive has been popping. I think the bridging idea isnt trying to ride coat tails, or just about Defi. It is happening with most viable well built projects with solid usecases and protocols. Its not about what Steem didnt do, its about Hive and its unique usecase and benefits becoming more accessible as Web 3 gets closer. It IS going to happen, more than likely faster and more sudden than anyone expects. I dont understand how you can say that Dan is selling hope to a shrinking community. The man is putting his money, reputation, credibility and effort into building Hive into the Hub for decentralized digital society. And the community IS growing and development is growing.
Network effect is slow at first and then all of a sudden.
The centralized platforms are deleting and censoring content more everyday and people are becoming more aware of their options in many aspects of society. Hive is one of the few viable options that will give people an alternative and an entry point at a grass roots level.
We bridge to other chains and their community gets exposure and awareness of the benefits of Hive and the ease of interaction between chains facilitates their use of Hive for its applications without leaving their original community.
Do you have any suggestions, reccommendations, ideas, solutions to the problems that make you so cynical?
Isnt that what open source and decentralization are all about.
I agree with your thoughts about investors, that would be great, but I think onboarding new users should be a priority and would go a long way to improving the true decentralization of Hive than some big money getting dumped in and the community treated as customers, Again.
Thanks for the reply

Your reply sounds more like you're trying to impress others than just address my previous comment.
That's part of the problem here.
It's CULT MIND that dominates.
Because rewards are so the focus people are careful with their words.


You also claim Hive is young when the story of Hive (even written into its declaration) is that it's a continuation of the core of (steem) what makes this Blockchain. The code and the coders make up that entity.

Also those points you outlined.. "is still developing" "mainstream is censoring" "let's onboard lovingly" is just coping mechanisms. Yet they are contradictory. How long does development take? If the mainstreams are shutting down free speech then why is there no big organic onboarding. Essentially begging on Twitter is the only road in here.

Now people are asked to write testimonials.
That's what MLMs do, CULTS do, RELIGIONS do.

ALL communities where blind belief IS A MUST. They're also all systems/environments that ONLY attract the lower classes of society or the somewhat "broken people" of society that kind of see hope as a thing that means more than it should. Therefore they are easy to manipulate and dictate to, such as write testimonials.

That's not my point though because for this Hive to attract the poor is not a negative. It's that very few of them get real rewards that's the issue. Because regardless of the content, time then determines the outcome. That either the community dies more, because those that realize truth just up and leave, or more of the community becomes saturated with those who don't bring much money so the system inevitably will collapse.

As for suggestions.. then read my history.
I've made suggestions as far back as 2017. Some, that actually got implemented. Not because they listened to me. I'm not boasting. But simply because they did make sense so others identified the need also. When SMTs got announced for instance I suggested that proposals would be a good way to fund initiates from communities. A way for Whales to build their holdings and for those communities that don't have funds, to be able to rewards their engagement and content that builds on those communities.

This is why I see this place as the slowest train wreck. But just like the train industry of old. The owners of railways made money regardless.

Ultimately though I don't care if this collapses. The only emotion for this I experience is that it did become what I predicted. A place for the poor of the world to seek a little rewards.. and A LITTLE REWARD is exactly what the system became. So their time is just not recognized as valuable.

Who are you to challenge me? Piss off, gnat.

A Hive account owner!
Who do you Think you are?
I will not, narcissistic sociopath.
Do you hear yourself?
Surprised you didn't say How dare you challenge The Almighty XXXXXXXXXX!!!
What, are you going to banish me your majesty?
I challenged the people who downvoted to speak their mind about the issue and why they disagree.
You downvoted the post with no explanation or input.
I would say that most rational people would see that and infer that you didnt think it was a good idea.
I was hoping you could expand on the issue and provide some balance to the conversation.
This response tells me that you don't really believe in or care about decentralization and apparently you feel that your wallet balance determines that the rest of us are beneath you.
You're wrong.
It doesn't impress me.
But it does say alot about Your mentality.
Good luck with that.

Hopefully soon Threespeak will have automatic subtitles so that those of us who don't understand spoken English can at least read it.

Not a lot of people do the research but a lot follow people who did the research.

I made a comment on your last video about how we don't help people do good research on hive.


Would appreciate if you read it. If you agree, I think it is time to put things in motion concerning hive.io

Hey man you should do that what you suggested in the linked comment.
Then charge a fee for it to be implemented.
That's the game here. Might as well pkay it if you're here dedicating your time to it.

This is just a dumb comment, something bad probably happened to you today.

Lol it was too give your comment awareness.

You edited your comment. It was completely different.

I know that's what the purpose of the first comment. Shock value. Did you get a reply at least?

Hive to other ecosystem of future

Yeah...do that...with circle jerks!

Interesting approaches. I do not speak English, from what little I understood, you suggest that it is the precise moment for #Hive to build bridges with other ecosystems, that is, with other blockchains, #Lbry occurs to me, just to mention some of the contemporaries that are began operations in the middle of the last decade. Or maybe with the #Bitcoin network. I wonder based on the #Steem experience, how prepared are we? and how would the exchange be?

I know that you are working hard to grow the #Hive community and if you are sure of it, count on my support, even if it is very small.

Love the part about digging for gold in trash. A lot of people don't make enquiries about these things and they just run out screaming "Take my money".

I think Hive is also a great DeFi platform, but was surprised that we do not list and promote our own DeFi apps (hive engine, stablecoin DEX HBD, blocktrades, etc) on hivedapps.com.

So much snake oil.
"Built castle, churches", "popping Island"

Why don't you disclose the project you're referring to so people can at least see if you speak truth. Or just for the community to understand what you're semi comparing Hive to.

A typical charlatan.
You talk only of hypotheticals.
When belief in Hive dropping like position on CMC. Why tf these visions not already realized here on Hive then.

Forever speculation.

This idea is actually cool. Defi is everywhere at this point. I am even confused at this point.
Hive looks good to me personally and i hope we can connect to a lot of blockchain because we have what it takes.

We just need focus and we need to keso on developing ourselves.

We alsI need to keep on promoting.. adoption is what we so need right now

Cardano's ATIBA project is attempting to bring finance to the unbanked in the developing world, but what ATIBA cannot do is give those people anything to put into the bank. Obviously, the long-term plan is for them to use Cardano, but what is missing is a MEANS for them to turn their stories, their art, their creativity into something they an use to get into a financial system. Hive has already been doing this around the world -- we have use cases.

However, it is probably a mistake for us to wait for people to come to us. Charles Hoskinson is sort of interested, but is also BUSY. We need to make the case to him about Hive and ATIBA and Cardano -- and Hive and Ethereum 2.0 -- and Hive and WHATEVER. We would love to have people to recognize what we are, but there is a lot of good stuff out there. We need to go make our case if we have the keys to all these doors ...

It sounds like you are talking about Zilliqa, but I’m probably wrong. @theycallmedan
