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RE: Let's Talk About Shutting Down Police Departments!

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

Great video, nice to hear your thoughts on the recent goings-on! Cowing to leftists never works out well. Doing that only emboldens them to try and control you further. It's a litmus test to see who is compliant, recruitable, and gullible. The notion that white people should get held collectively responsible for what was done to black people generations ago is silly. People are not responsible for the actions of those who've long since passed.

You're right that something is going on here, all you need to do is go to the Black Lives Matter website, and click on 'What We Believe.' There are strong anti-father and anti-heterosexual sentiments. I'm not taking a dig at anyone's lifestyle choices, but I think that the promotion of fatherless households is destructive. Additionally, the promotion of homosexuality in the black community doesn't serve black interests so much as it does Syngenta's.

Syngenta is the company whose atrazine herbicide causes frogs to either become gay or transform into hermaphrodites, and this isn't a crazy conspiracy theory either, it's been scientifically proven by Dr. Tyrone Hayes. He's a scientist from the University of California. The EPA has recently allowed 50% or more atrazine herbicide into the water. Meaning a lot of gay people became and will become that way because of a lifestyle choice that was made for them because of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our drinking water.

George Soros and other parties are playing a strong role in the various intersectional, professional-victims who are attempting to transform society into a utopia for the elite. It's almost as if though; America is a computer running 'Constitution 1787,' as an operating system. They're doing a reformat right now and preparing to install 'Windows 13.666.' We should all be wary and concerned, something wicked this way comes!

I say we legalize many of the less harmful drugs, save for driving intoxicated. Divert mental health and drug issues to a different department entirely, treating it as a public health issue. Let speeding cameras do the revenue generation for the city. I mean, they already are. Lay off a lot of the police. The ones who remain should be radically retrained, and they should be focused on crimes that leave victims in their wake instead of victimless crimes.