#STWT 219: World War Zog; Infiltration of the United States by Foreign Nations for the NWO

in Threespeak3 years ago

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In this #STWT Show number 219 part 2. I further deep dove into the foreign infiltration of the United States by the Belt and Road Initiative nations, mainly Israel, Russia and China who are working together. The USA has a ton of compromised individuals in positions of power including Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden who was just seen on video with a Russian Escort paying her 10,000 dollars. Joe Biden himself was also proven via his own words to be engaged in the Chinese compromise of Hunter Biden as well. Turns out the "Big Guy" does do business deals with Hunter Biden. Then we analyzed how these banker puppets are driving America and the western nations into the ground by design. So we watched some spicy videos from across the country as clown world falls apart.

Show Notes: https://hive.blog/shownotes/@titusfrost/show-notes-for-stwt-219-ghislaine-maxwell-sentenced-hunter-biden-russian-escorts-china-s-belt-and-israeli-road-order

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