in Threespeak2 years ago (edited)

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Después de estar varios días vergonzosos con un bigote en mi página del blog, decidí accionar en busca de resultados positivos y no solo dejar una mancha de una equivocación en mis publicaciones.

Estuve leyendo que las semillas son pequeñas, pero a pesar de ello, el fruto siempre será multiplicado si pones atención en los pequeños detalles.
Así que mis hermosas y rechonchas abejitas, les traigo un post dedicado al video del famoso bigote. En este video hablaba de una de las series que marcó un antes y un después en mi vida ampliando mi perspectiva en relación a muchas cosas. Hablemos de “AND JUST LIKE THAT”, LET’S GO.

After several embarrassing days with a mustache on my blog page, I decided to act in search of positive results and not just leave a stain of a mistake in my publications.
I was reading that the seeds are small, but in spite of that, the fruit will always be multiplied if you pay attention to the little details.
So my beautiful and chubby little bees, I bring you a post dedicated to the video of the famous mustache. In this video I talked about one of the series that marked a before and after in my life expanding my perspective in relation to many things. Let's talk about "AND JUST LIKE THAT", LET'S GO.

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Sex and the city es una de las series más viejas que aun tiene vida a estas alturas del tiempo, emitida en 1988 cuando yo todavía ni siquiera había dado mi primera bocanada de aire en este mundo. Se resumió en seis temporadas con 94 capítulos de 40 minutos cada uno.

Descubrí esta serie a mis 23 años de edad, edad suficiente para entender su verdadera sustancia. Aunque muchas personas la señalaran como una serie feminista, promiscua y pasada de nota. En mi opinión, el cual va muy en contra del feminismo, Sex and the city te enseña pasión por lo que haces, la libertad de ser lo que deseas ser sin dejar de ser una dama. Las mujeres rodeadas en una ciudad que ofrece muchas cosas, estas no se ven obligadas a tener que quedarse con el hombre que les tocó sino con el que ellas eligen. Mujeres profesionales y empoderadas mentalmente, sabiendo qué QUIEREN Y especialmente qué NO QUIEREN.

Sex and the city is one of the oldest series still alive at this point in time, aired in 1988 when I had not even taken my first breath of air in this world. It was summarized in six seasons with 94 chapters of 40 minutes each.
I discovered this series when I was 23 years old, old enough to understand its true substance. Although many people would point to it as a feminist, promiscuous and over the top series. In my opinion, which is very much against feminism, Sex and the City teaches you passion for what you do, the freedom to be what you want to be while still being a lady. Women surrounded in a city that offers many things, they are not forced to stay with the man who touched them but with the one they choose. Professional and mentally empowered women, knowing what they WANT AND especially what they DON'T WANT.

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En general, estoy segura que todas las mujeres tenemos un poco de cada una de las protagonistas, el conjunto de ellas es un compuesto de muchas características que como personas y en especial como mujeres vamos desarrollando a lo largo de nuestra vida. Y hoy a mis 30 años puedo reafirmarlo con mas severidad. Y es que no hay que ser promiscuas para saber lo que deseamos, solo hay que amarnos a nosotras mismas tan fuertemente para tener honestidad en nuestros deseos. Como toda romántica empedernida, el papel de Sarah Jessica Parker (como Carrie Bradshaw), fue el que me enamoró, escritora, hermosa y decidida. Siendo ella entre todas, la que encontró el amor de su vida y no miró hacia otro corazón mas el que de su eterno amor. Esta serie rompió mi corazón un millón de veces, viviendo las relaciones más fuertes y reales que tuvo Carrie, cuando ella lloraba, yo lloraba como si de mi vida se tratase. Aún recuerdo cuando BIG su eterno amor, le rompió el corazón en el momento en que ella confió más en él. Duré días sintiendo desprecio por ese hombre, aunque lo amé tanto como ella lo amó. Sin embargo, lo bueno de descubrir este tesoro años después de que empezaran a emitirla, es que descargaba las temporadas una tras otra sin necesidad de esperar una semana para ver que pasaba en el siguiente capítulo.

Bien, no quedé tan contenta con el final de Sex and the city, pero quedé tranquila. Un final felíz, realista y elocuente. Todos decíamos, las protagonistas han envejecido y me siento felíz de haber visto su trayectoria en esta espectacular entrega, te amaré por siempre Sex and the city.

In general, I am sure that all women have a little of each of the protagonists, the set of them is a compound of many characteristics that as people and especially as women we develop throughout our lives. And today at my 30 years I can reaffirm it with more severity. You don't have to be promiscuous to know what you want, you just have to love yourself so strongly to have honesty in your desires.
As any inveterate romantic, the role of Sarah Jessica Parker (as Carrie Bradshaw), was the one I fell in love with, writer, beautiful and determined. Being the one who found love and the love of her life, she couldn't look to any other heart but the one of her eternal love.
This series broke my heart a million times, living the strongest and most real relationships Carrie had, when she cried, I cried as if it were my life. I still remember when BIG, her eternal love, broke her heart the moment she trusted him the most. I spent days feeling contempt for that man, even though I loved him as much as she loved him. However, the good thing about discovering this treasure years after they started airing it, is that I downloaded the seasons one after another without having to wait a week to see what happened in the next chapter.

Well, I wasn't so happy with the ending of Sex and the City, but I was reassured. A happy, realistic and eloquent ending. We all said, the main characters have aged and I am happy to have seen their trajectory in this spectacular installment, I will love you forever Sex and the city.


Hasta que en 2022... BOOM años después aparece la bella Sarah Jessica Parker en una nueva serie titulada and Just Like That, continuación de la serie anterior, tan diva y digna que sus años no fueron ningún problema para brillar en la pantalla nuevamente.

Sin duda alguna, me sentía tan emocionada de este reencuentro que verlas a todas me generó una ataraxia plena en mi corazón, claro que faltaba una de ellas, (supongo que algo raro pasaría con Kim Cattrall quien protagonizo Samantha Jones en la serie anterior). Hizo falta en los primeros capítulos de esa temporada, pero el productor supo rellenar el espacio con nuevos personajes que le dieron un potencial enorme a esta nueva propuesta.

Until 2022... BOOM years later appears the beautiful Sarah Jessica Parker in a new series titled and Just Like That, continuation of the previous series, so diva and dignified that her years were no problem to shine on the screen again.

Without a doubt, I was so excited about this reunion that seeing them all generated a full ataraxia in my heart, of course one of them was missing, (I guess something weird happened with Kim Cattrall who starred as Samantha Jones in the previous series). She was missing in the first chapters of that season, but the producer knew how to fill the space with new characters that gave a huge potential to this new proposal.

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En el vídeo subido por error, expresaba mi sorpresa de una segunda temporada de And just like that porque aún no me recuperaba de la primera temporada. El cual me dejó con el síndrome del corazón roto por todo un año. No conforme con esto, en su tráiler de promoción anuncian a un viejo amor de Carrie que en mi opinión fue el más sincero (por parte de él) y todo el tema hizo un desastre en mi mente, dejándome un sentimiento de confusión, temor y tal vez rabia. Porque entonces, la serie quizás nos esta tratando de decir que, ¿aunque Carrie fue feliz con el amor de su vida, tal vez EL no era su destino y finalmente estaba escrito que Aidan Shaw (John Corbett) era la persona destinada a formar parte de su vejez y su futuro?

In the video uploaded by mistake, I expressed my surprise of a second season of And Just Like That because I still hadn't recovered from the first season. Which left me with heartbreak syndrome for a whole year. Not content with this, in its promo trailer they announce an old love of Carrie's that in my opinion was the most sincere (on his part) and the whole thing made a mess in my mind, leaving me with a feeling of confusion, fear and maybe anger. Because then, maybe the show is trying to tell us that, even though Carrie was happy with the love of her life, maybe HE wasn't her destiny and it was finally written that Aidan Shaw (John Corbett) was the person destined to be part of her old age and her future?

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No lo se abejas, no puedo expresar mucho acerca de esta nueva emisión solo mi evidente reacción en el video, de que están dispuestos a continuar dándolo todo y sorprendiendo a su FANDOM con estas ideas tan fuera del cliché. Por ahora, seguiré esperando cada jueves el estreno de sus episodios y peleando con la pantalla en cuanto a mi descontento con algunas escenas y dediciones en el camino de la serie.
I don't know bees, I can't express much about this new broadcast only my obvious reaction in the video, that they are willing to continue giving it their all and surprising their FANDOM with such out of the cliché ideas. For now, I will continue to wait every Thursday for the premiere of their episodes and fight with the screen regarding my dissatisfaction with some scenes and deditions in the way of the series.

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Para terminar, les doy permiso de reírse de mi absurdo y patético bigote, el cual quedo plasmado permanentemente e icónicamente en mi perfil del blog. Sino han visto la serie, la encuentran en HBO MAX, excelente calidad de imagen con todas sus temporadas. Hasta aquí, mi vergonzosa explicación del Bigote. Les deseo mucha paz y mucho amor a todas mis abejitas.

Finally, I give you permission to laugh at my absurd and pathetic moustache, which is permanently and iconically captured in my blog profile.
If you haven't seen the series, you can find it on HBO MAX, excellent image quality with all its seasons. So much for my embarrassing explanation of the Mustache. I wish you much peace and much love to all my little bees.

Diseño de Imagenes:Canva Pro //Image Design: Canva Pro

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

I think you missed the announcement.

Uploading Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 8.28.40 PM.png #87

It was also announced on 3Speak discord server. We'll repeat the announcement this week to spread the awareness. Auto-publishing feature is for convenience for the users, you upload & it gets published.

Thank you so much for the information. That was so embarrassing to me. This isn't my kind of content in Hive. Omg😅

Why would you upload in the first place?

I uploaded it by mistake. I downloaded the 3speak app on my IOS and I don't know how to use it. I saw that you can upload short films, and I love short films. So I wanted to see how it worked but I never imagined it would upload and end up with a fake mustache permanently on my profile.

Now is the time to update the iOS app. I just uploaded a latest version on the AppStore. Update your app.

Thank you so much again. I will keep my eyes open.🫠

and that moustache hidden 🥸 🤣

Was that moustache applied virtually (Software / App) or Was it a physical fake moustache?

It was from my camera, a kind of funny props I usually use to get attention in a funny way and get them to see the video on my whatsapp. 🫠

Not bad idea.

Wish you All the best for your videos on 3Speak.

Keep creating amazing content. Here is some small gift from me.

100 Ecency points for you to motivate you.

@sagarkothari88 reward 100 points

Thanks, I am working on a podcast for 3Speak, I will launch it this week.

Thanks a lot for the apoyo♥️ I promise not to show up with a mustache again.