
Rug pulls in descentraland? Tell me more

I meant in the crypto and metaverse environment in general with the FTX scandal, Logan Paul and all the grifters taking advantage of the hopefuls. Decentraland and other projects that do work suffer the consequences with everyone being more reluctant and sceptical. Apologies for my being vague.

FTX nor logan Paul has anything to do with the Metaverse. Afaik, the only deterrent on the crypto winter that has drop the prince of the land, but new games get built on the Metaverse all the time. 3 days ago there was a big fashion week. But most people talk from what they read or heard on the news, they don't spent 3 hours a day in it to have a real opinion.

Most n00bs get confused with VR. Yet most metaverse are not fully compatible with oculus.