Teach the kid to love her country...

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

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Yesterday was the National Day of Romania, the country I was born in; the country I love; the country I want to die in; the country with so many bastards that disgust me.
But hey, it's my country and there's something magical that stuck me here like glue. I could've left it behind many years ago... I could still do it. But there's something that keeps me here.
It may be the language... or it may be the fact that 6 out of 10 news headlines makes me laugh so hard that I have to watch my weight.
So now that I'm a father for 5 years already, this year I decided that I have to teach the kid her country's anthem. So together with her, I also learned the thing on the guitar.
What came out, can be seen (sorry for the Romanian language... wayyyy to hard to translate the lyrics).

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