Bridges exposed to extreme loads that’s why you need to include a new kind of resistant materials.
The normal composition of concrete is cement, sand, gravel, and Water. To add more endurance to the composition, fiber will be added. Due to their properties, the fibers find a vast field of applications where it is necessary to reduce the risk of cracking, increase impact and take advantage of the improvement in the performance of concrete to optimize the design of structures.
Fiber-reinforced concrete can be used in all areas of civil engineering, in industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential constructions.

Concrete types
- Béton ordinaire (BO)
- Béton à hautes performances (BHP)
- Béton fibré à hautes performances (BFHP)
- Béton fibré à ultra haute performance (BFUP)
Depuis très longtemps en Afrique ou dans d'autres pays la fibre est intégrée dans les matériaux de constructions.
Aujourd'hui, les bâtis se fond aussi avec des fibres de plastique recyclé