recycle.png image designed with canva.
They say **health is wealth **and cleanliness is next to Godliness, it's a very vital part of man from abinitia to keep his environment neat, that makes man superior to other animals as it would irritate man to live in a dirty environment, despite this fact you would still find people who finds it difficult to keep their surrounding’s clean, I have seen lots of people who live in an environment that even some animal's would forbid, sometimes they blame the government for not providing for them, cleanliness starts from you then your environment in order to keep healthy. This brought about gathering of waste and it's disposal, ranging from plastic products, metals, nylon's, ceramics etc,
how you dispose this materials matters a lot, if it's been disposed indiscriminately within the environment it could become hazardous to man and animals especially aquatic animals. Nevertheless it could also cause the breeding of mosquitoes in large number especially in Africa.
The above brought about recycling which is another strong opportunity to be self-employed, if you can have a dump where you pay people to gather these items for you to send them to companies that would recycle it and dish out fine products, I bet you would never look for a white cola job as you would be making huge amount of money from it.
Let's keep our ecosystem clean and live healthy as we make ends meet from it. However if you need more details on how to do the business feel free to contact me.

All images captured with my phone except first one.