Shop The Set-Up: Library


Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 06.29.59.pngBluey The Library Episode Screenshot

Let's Go To The Library :)!

I love libraries and the beautiful books that reside within them. So I found myself deeply inspired to see an episode of Bluey where the kids decided to play library. I found this to be a fantastic role-playing game for kids ages 3 - 5. Using a few toys and household items, I was able to loosely recreate the set-up in this popular kid's show for my little girl using her play desk, a few books for the computer, a camera made out of lego, library cards using craft paper, and a small stand to act as the scanner and book return station.

Beyond the usual benefits of role-play for children, playing library can also further reinforce the importance of rules in public spaces, with particular emphasis on having consideration for others. While these items are easy to find around the home, you may want to spruce up the set-up with some of the below items which may easily be used for other games too :)—wishing you all fun times with your little ones.

Children's Play Desk

71SkcQog-QL._AC_SX679_.jpgPurchase Yours Here 👉 👈

Children's Stamps For Checking Out Library Books

713CNDcOcBL._AC_SX679_.jpgPurchase Them Here 👉 👈

Librarian Glasses

61sNyEJ2g8L._AC_SX679_.jpgComplete the librarian look with a pair of play glasses :).
Grab six here 👉 👈