Hello, beautiful people in Hives 🥰! I am here again sharing with you the significant happenings in my life.
If you read my previous blog you will know I experienced my downside in life.
But God is good he helps me carry my crus.
And now I am back to my old self.
I can now focus on my work though I am still healing.
Our Department of Education Division of Cebu Province conducted a Division Training of Trainers (DTOT).
I was included on the list to attend the DTOT in the Division of Cebu Province for 5 days.
Division Training of Trainers (DTOT)
Day 1
My Group was held at Cebu Business Hotel while the other group was held at Rajah Hotel and Elegant Hotel.
Before the plenary session started we had a photo opportunity with our Math Team. By the way, I chose the Mathematics Subject as my team. For I am a Mathematics Major.
I felt fortunate enough that I was able to attend this training for I now have a deep understanding of why there is a need to change the curriculum.
For Day 1 we had three sessions. The first session or Session 1 was all about "The General Shape of the MATATAG Curriculum". The Session 2 was "The 21st Century Skills". The two sessions were discussed during the plenary session. The Session 3 was the "Walkthrough of Learning Area Shaping Paper". It was discussed during the breakout session after lunch.
This was taken during the breakout session we are only 5 in our group
Day 2 to Day 5
We had 11 topics from day 2 to day 5. We had a lot of learnings and we are confident enough that through this training we can effectively cascade this to the field.
By the title itself we can have a grasp of the thought our Department of Education wants us to convey.
Session 4: Cluster 1 Curriculum Standardards and Unpacking/ Clustering of Learning Competencies. In this session I learn how important the unpacking of competencies in the actual classroom learnings. We had to do it in actual manner for us to have a concrete example in doing our TA or Technical Assistance to the teachers.
Session 5: Quarter 2 Unpacking/ Clusgering of Learning Competencies
Session 6: MATATAG CURRICULUM INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN FRAMEWORK. This time we learned how the new curriculum designed. I was amazed of the changes. Hopefully this will be of great help in our education system.
Session 7: Assessment of the 21st Century Skills
Session 8A: MATATAG walkthrough on Pedagogy and Assessment
Session 8B: MATATAG Walkthrough of Learning Resources
Session 9: Classroom Practices to Promote Inclusion for Special Needs Education Learners
Session 10: Collaborative Expertise
Session 11: Classroom Observation in the Context of MATATAG Curriculum
Session 12: Facilitation Skills
Session 13: Management of School-based Professional Development Programs
All the sessions were very helpful for the success of the implementation of the new curriculum.
But as we know that success lies on the hands of our teachers. And we as the School Manager we need to monitor and give Technical Assistance to the teachers to aid their dufficulties.
Whatever positions we have in our department we played an important role. So there's no reason to point fingers on the other if we fail.
We should live to our Mantra which is "Be MATATAG, Stay MATATAG".
By the way, though we only had trainings for Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4, & Grade 7 for the K-10 Matatag Curriculum, this is because some grade levels will still have the pilot implementation for the next school year.
And for our Senior High School Curriculum, it is still on study for now. But we have to know that our Senior High School will not be dissolved. There is only revision of the curriculun after the study of our experts.
It is just not belong to the Commision on Higher Education but on the Department of Education alone.
But this is applicable only in State University not in private University.
Thank you for reading my story 🥰. This is your richdreamer signing off ☺️🫰.
Thank you for the words of enlightenment Ma'am @richdreamer Some of the parents ask me if it is true that there will be no Senior High School Curriculum anymore.
Your welcome day @diamondinthesky ☺️ mao bitaw day mao pud nay pag too sa uban 😁
We are lucky to have you as our school head Mam. Amping diha🥰
I am also lucky to have you maam @jobeliever as one if my wind beneatg my wings ☺️.