Writing this has been on my mind for a while and it's about time to share it.
Today, I write specifically for you that has big dreams, to you that wants to pull giant feats and stand before kings. Please take out time and read this.

There's a season I call the waiting season (this is the season before God puts you on the spot light. The season before the kings come to the brightness of your light).
I know you might want to argue with me but it's one of the most important seasons in our lives that we trivialize the most.
I understand that most of us grew up believing life is a fairy tale and anything can happen but I'm here to burst that bubble.
Firstly, life isn't a fairytale and things just do not just happen. You can decide the things that should happen and the things that should not.
How do you do this?
It's all boils down to what you do in your waiting season.
I am a firm believer of prophecies, oh yes I am but do you know that you can hinder the prophecies of God over your life if you fail to maximize your waiting season.
The truth is, there is a big gap between your waiting season and the end result you're looking for but you can make this results happen if you maximize your waiting season.
Now, let's liken this to a child that wants to become a doctor. You don't just become a doctor because God said so, there are processes you need to undergo before you are certified a doctor. Holding unto prophecies alone will not get the work done and you won't blame God for his word when you do not become one.
I was at a gathering two weeks ago and the speaker asked a question, he said "how many of you here believes you can become a permanent secretary with a primary six result because God said you would become one?"
Well, you can guess. More than half of the people in the room raised their hands and I was almost exploding in the inside. Like how? With a primary six result because God said so? I'm glad he showed them the truth scripturally and with common sense because God does not love foolish people(I don't too).
I'll apply this generally now. The whole waiting season is me trying to tell you that you have work to do. Massive work to do.
Your waiting season is the time for preparation. Yes it is, stars will align in a path for you but you must push the stars too, do not let anyone fool you.
Your waiting season is the time you look at where you are and where you want to be, you see the gap and find out what you need to do to get to your destination(your end goal).
People do not necessarily need to know what you're up to during your waiting season, it's the results that will talk for you.
And when I say preparation, I ain't just talking about lazy preparations. I mean aggressive preparations.
If your goal is to stand before kings, then you cannot be preparing at the same level with someone that wants to stand before local champions. No, it cannot be the same.
Even before the world changed, commoners were not allowed to meet the king. No, there weren't hated, it was just standard (a set of rules for royalties).
And that's what you should do, your preparation should have a standard, an end goal.
I'm asking you to prepare now because you will not stand before kings with the kind of mentality you have, you will not stand before kings with your low self esteem and confidence, you will not stand before kings with the same thought patterns and awful language. There is a level of preparation you need to attain.
I think it was Sun Tzu who we said "You do not prepare for war during war, you prepare for war before war." A single line of advice yet so powerful.
You do not prepare for leadership while leading, it will choke the life out of you. You prepare for leadership before you begin to lead.
Though most things can be learned in the process but please understand me.
"When I get to the bridge I'll cross it." This particular phrase applies to others but not you. Prepare now. You cannot be waiting to see the bridge first, what happens if you see it but they only need certain people at the other side, do you have that kind of time to go back and prepare? Think.
You do not prepare for marriage in marriage, you prepare while you're still single so you know the things to accept and what not to accept.
You do not prepare for your career in it, you prepare before it.
You do not prepare for that giant feat when you get the giant feat, you prepare before. Chances are, you will not even get it without a certain level of preparation.
We have work to do! You have work to do! I have work to do! And it's smart that we start now!
Stop procrastinating your own future and destiny. There is a season for everything.
It is only the foolish and myopic mindset that quotes stuffs that are not meant for them and use it as a yardstick for their lives, let them be foolish but not you.
Till you get to the place of your dreams, the spot light of influence and all, you have work to do.
The same way you go to school to get a degree in the end, is the exact thing you should do with your waiting season. Your clock ticks daily, do not think you have time.
As for the kings, they will come to you. Even the Bible says kings will come to the brightness of your light and the gentiles to your light.
Firstly, you're expected to emit light. Your waiting season is how your light begins to emit and the more you stay on it, the intensity increases and that's how the kings find you.
You do not need to look for the kings, they will find you. The three wise men had a direction and their guide was the star. It's the same brightness we are talking about here.
Your goal is not just to get bright, it's to stay bright. Work on yourself, you're are more than what you're eyes sees today and that's why I don't work with sight, I work with insight, I let my mind do the picturing because that's where everything lies.
Prepare now! Your waiting season will not last forever. Remember there's a season for everything, a time to wait and a time to birth results.
This applies to every wheel of life, from the financial, career, educational, spiritual, health to relationship. There's a level of preparation you need to make to stand before kings. I really hope you take this serious.

Meanwhile, we'll know who took their preparation seriously when the time comes. It's all in the end.
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