Aquadac 🏺 Strings of Manifestation 🎈 ⨇ S05E02 BUT REALLY ⨇

in Abundance Tribe β€’ 9 months ago (edited)

πŸ™Œ Aquadac Season 5: Holistic Productivity

Aquadac Season 5 E02  2.jpeg


tl;dr: We set individual goals around a common theme, and meet weekly on Zoom to report + rank each other's progress.

Meeting Summary

At this week's meeting, Joe shared his journey from Coachella where he was voted MVP by his crew for the art installation he worked on, lifting everyone's spirits with his good news. Meanwhile, Karelia celebrated a big win with her grant proposal, feeling confident about the final product. Douglas, also known as Gudasol, had a tech victory, managing to get his Ship node for freeβ€”a lucky break that enables a bridge of PURPLE token on WAX Blockchain and also any future Aquarius Academy tokens. Lastly, Jess talked about her progress in organizing her various project ideas, describing her efforts as finally seeing the puzzle pieces beginning to align, which got everyone offering their support and advice to help her keep the momentum.

Weekly Wins:

  1. Douglas (Gudasol):
    • Created a logo for Rever.
  2. Joe:
    • Recognized as MVP (Most Valuable Player) by his crew at Coachella.
  3. Karelia Llerena Montoya:
    • Successfully completed her grant proposal document.
  4. Jess:
    • Felt that her ideas and plans are beginning to come together, forming a clearer path forward.

Goals and Points:

  1. Douglas (Gudasol):
    • 50 points: Setup of Notion path + resource templates.
    • 50 points: Create 3 free resources for Aquarius Academy.
  2. Joe:
    • 60 points: Secure a contract for AI school.
    • 20 points: Prepare for the ROCK Demo at AI night.
    • 20 points: Design swag for the May 5-6 event.
  3. Karelia Llerena Montoya:
    • 50 points: Finish art portfolio.
    • 30 points: Promote her latest Skillshare class.
    • 20 points: Organize Art Therapy course material.
  4. Jess:
    • 22 points: Design a label for Cacao.
    • 78 points: Decide where to live this summer.

Healthy peer pressure to do what you really want to do!

Watch the trailer

⭐️ Meetings Tuesdays 1400 GMT (11 am EST / 12 pm EDT)

♒️ Limited Registration

Aquadac Season 6 will have token gating using AQUA token. Get in before we lock the doors πŸ‘‰


(Limit 20 free registrations, subject to approval)

πŸœ› Hosted by Gudasol

Activate & Accelerate

Aquarius Academy provides a catalyst for collective consciousness connection. 🌎 πŸ’ž 🌞 πŸ’ž 🌌

"To know thyself is to know the one." ♾️

Article written by Gudasol πŸœ›
