Thank you my dear. Coming from Scandinavia it MIGHT be possible for you to travel to Thailand in the next months, since most of the Scandinavian countries count as 'low covid community transmission" which is the Thai government's criteria. But the problem is almost no flights and they're 500%+ up in price. Plus you need to buy covid inclusive health insurance to the value of USD $100,000 minimum. Plus Covid pre-testing. Plus quarantine 15 days at a Thai government approved hotel at your own expense.
They MIGHT drop the Q requirement from some countries, but I think the health insurance requirement is here to stay.
Yes, it's hard to know what to say about my mom. The healthcare in Australia is beyond deplorable, as is the (very expensive!) private aged care. She has said to me often these last months that she thinks it was a good choice for me to make my life here.
Have you made exit / travel plans yet? If you can get to Chiang Mai, you're very, very welcome. Although I suspect not really doable before June 2021 at the earliest.
Hugs. And a big blush for your sweet comments.
Wow, that feels impossible really, to travel to Thailand.
No, no plans yet. I'm so tired all the time, way too busy, so it's hard to move forward with these plans so to say. But I'll put my flat on the market after New Years' so I'll be here until next spring or so. I hope it might be easier to go somewhere by then, even if that's not Asia.
And thank you very much for the invite. I really hope it can happen in the future.