So much joy, fragrance, colour and beauty to be found in gardens & flowers - they capture us with their healing vibration, their majesty, their delicacy. I love how many of our newer Hive accounts start off by sharing about plants & flowers.
Let's see what we can do to give these hivers some extra encouragement & support, hey??Today @artemisshares is highlighting 3 posts from relatively new & lower rep authors to Hive who have low returns and not enough engagement.
@simplymike, @trucklife-family & @minismallholding - bless you for continually posting so freely and passionately about gardens. If you can help these Hivers get better connected that would be awesome, cos we ALL win when the new contributors in our Hive community succeed.
Each of the authors featured today is a post beneficiary, so please be generous.
Enjoy. Upvote. Comment. Reblog. Tip.
"God himself first planted a garden. And it is the purest of human"says F.Bacon. Therefore, this hobby is a source of joy and pleasure for me. Read more...
Calotropis Gigantea | Photography
Today i am sharing photography of Calotropis Gigantea. In my childhood i discovered this plant near by my house and found it very interseting . Becouses when i plucked its leaf a white liquid appeared from inside of the leaf and another interesting we played with the silk balls flying in the air and me and my childhood friends used to catch these balls. Read more....
Do you feel abused because you can't say no? Bach Flowers-¿Siente que abusan de usted porque no puede decir que no? Flores de Bach
The centaury is a flower that grows in arid or dry lands. The biological name of the species with which dr. Edward Bach elaborated its essence is "Centaurium Umbellatum". Its action is very effective with people who live too tied to their family and loved ones and feel unable to change their course. Read more...

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As the mood takes me.@artemisshares is a simple, private curation project run by @artemislives. The goal? To increase exposure and rewards for great content that doesn't always get the recognition it deserves. Today it might be 3 healthful posts, tomorrow it might be 3 posts about freedom, red cars, crypto or dogs.
Each post featured here is a post beneficiary and the remainder used to build a juicier upvote. Because I believe in encouragement and at the end of a curating session, there are ALWAYS a few posts I'd like to do more for.
Love to see the huge support from you by your comment and guidance at my post
and thank you 💓 so much for appreciation ..
Regards @rashid001
You're so very welcome @rashid001 - my pleasure. Keep commenting on the posts of others and see how THEY do things, and you'll soon get a feel for wat kind of content earns well and is enjoyed & supported.
tokens.On it! 😁 Thanks for bringing these posts to my attention! 💜
Thank you..... 😊 The early weeks and months AFTER the fuss of onboarding dies down is where we really win or lose Hivers. Appreciate the support.