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RE: My Osteo, A Dragon, A Cave & My Breath: Going Within To Heal From the Inside

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Thanks @riverflows for sharing this beautiful story, as an osteopaht in NZ I always find it interesting to get an insight into a patients thoughts during a session. @longshotwb this is an aspect of osteo I don't think I appreciate enough. Holding the space for people to heal themselves.


I think that's why I like him so much - the authority over healing is not just in his hands. He's a very intuitive and empathetic osteo who is different to anyone I have been to. You know, I didn't even expect an osteo would read this but it's so cool one did!

Thanks for sharing this story @riverflows, always so good to hear from the perspective of the person who is having a treatment and love the painting to illustrate the story. And thanks for tagging me in it @bengiles,indeed seems to me that it is an ongoing practice to let go of ego attachment to "being the healer" and simply hold the space within which healing can arise. It's the whole thing of providing a fulcrum on which the healing mechanisms in the individual can do their work.