I've been walking on the beach every morning and evening especially since the weather has been amazing, clear skies and no chem trails, very dry, warm in the day and cold at night.
Basically like desert weather, and well Spain is basically a desert and becoming more desertified. I've never experienced a January so dry and warm here so its co concerning especially when Greece has just experienced an epic snow storm like one never seen before...crazy!
Because of the lack of rain here, the sea has become extremely clear, when there's rain, the river wash all the pollutants dumped in there and the sea becomes a giant toliet, so it is pleasant to see a clean and potentially clearer sea.
And in turn, there have been fish sightings like ive never seen before. Very rarely you might see a migrating pod of dolphins in the distance, ive only seen that twice in 8 years ive lived here. And recently I've seen these large fish very close to the shore at sunset.
But I didn't manage to get them on camera when they were super close but when I was outside filming the sunrise one morning, I saw a pod of them jumping out of the water and birds flying above, here are some stills from the video... unfortunately they are a bit pixilated even when shooting in 4k
Its amazing to see these magnificent beings, but I have no idea what they are exactly!
0ther people have noticed them, particularly fishermen, there have beenore than usual amount of trawlers and people fishing on the beach. Some of these people really disrespect the sea, coming to the beach and leaving all sorts of trash , fishing wire, and plastic from food cartons and tin cans from drinks, they set them on the fire and leave an awful mess, I just don't understand how that's even legal to do!
Let alone to continue to over fish the sea!
You can also see its like spring time here, flowers are in full bloom, and the light is very bright and warm even in northern Spain in January!
Its been hard for me to complain, because I get SAD seasonal affective disorder and was the main reason I decided to move more south from my home in the UK. I've definately experience a shift since then, but I would still find january and February quite hard months, but thus year we had an early and shorter winter, it got extremely cold and wet in November and basically ended around Christmas. So im wondering what is going on?
Anyway like I said this weather has lifted my mood alot and I have the energy to rise earlier and walk every morning in the sunrise, do my stretches, and exercise, and self care.
So its a weird feeling, because of how concerning the global weathering is but at the same time enjoying its knock on effects?
Should I feel guilty, I dunno, I guess thay would depend how much I feel ive contributed to the shit show.
Apart from flying, mostly my carbon footprint is small, I don't drive, i eat local and I'm very minimal and conscious with my purchases.
But I guess maybe I'd feel differently if I lived of the land where the need for water is essential and thats what I hope to do one day soon, so let's see if my opinion changed about hot and dry weather then ๐