Eating Roots, abundant, healthy and delicious

I'm sure you know and have tried yams and cassavas but there are many tubers and roots that are edible.

During my time in Belize this summer, I made it my mission to try all the local foods. I met a lady who had planted her own fruit orchard and was selling fruit on the side of the road.

I would visit the shop every other day to buy fruits and she would show me whatever fresh produce she had. One day she took me on a tour of her garden and she gave me this tuber you can see in the picture below:


She said it was called Dasheen, it was huge... im holding only half which was the perfect amount for a meal

I was told to boil it with fresh coconut, she gave me a sample of a meal she made early, I tried the creamy Dasheen and was convinced immadetly that this was one of the most delicious meals ive ever had.

So simple but filling, and delicious, it had the comforting vibe like mash potatoes but so much better and healther since Dasheen has a higher nutritional value than most other roots its said to have analgesic, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. The tuber is high in fibre, rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, C, E, potassium and manganese.

The leaves are also high in Vitamin A and C not only that both corms and leaves contain high-quality protein and are excellent sources of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron.

I didnt manage to get a picture of the sample i was given but i made my own version of the dish when i got home.

I served the Dasheen with some fried vegetable stew the combo was insanely good, my stomach is rumbling just looking at the picture and remembering the taste of this meal.


Dasheen is typically associated with the English speaking carribean and is connected to the African slave trade, historian say. It was brought over since it stores well, grows easily and has high yields and calories due to its starchy nature.

Despite it being considered a simple staple its growing in popularity due to its amazing health benefits and its sustainability.

What do you think... have you tried Dasheen, would you grow it?


That looks seriously amazing. I am a BIG fan of tubers, all kinds. There are many that grow in the wild and are really unknown. That looks really delicious and can be a mashed potato substitute, with probably more vitamins and nutrients. I bet it could be sliced and made into chips. Yum!

I think so too, have you tried breadfruit...they make delicious chips?

I have not. Is it tropical? I don't have access to much of those kinds of fruits in USA.