My passion is 'elevating', 'improving', and 'evolving' things (anything that I'm presented with or involved in, I can't help but 'polish', 'refine', 'expand', etc.) - My friends said I'd never be satisfied unless others 'rise' up.
When I started my first 'real' business, I wanted to call it 'Rise', but felt it wasn't 'cool' enough, and that it would not be very 'searchable' on Google, so I thought, how to make it cooler?
Replace 'Rise' with 'Ryze'
From then on, people started calling me 'Ryze' or 'J-Ryze'
But online the domain was taken, so I was forced to use
I wanted all my usernames to match on all platforms, so I used 'ryzeonline' everywhere from that point onward.
Thank you kindly, I love teaching and learning, and I encourage others to do similarly. In fact, I just learned a lot about quantum physics and scientific proof for Law Of Attraction, haha. Yes, let us ryze, both online and off, lol. :) Thanks for asking and wishing you a great day! ❤️🙏
And sure, I'll share:
Hope that answers your question! :) 🙏
Wow, I admire you a lot Mr Ryze and I must say that I hope to learn from you. You have a great purpose and you work towards fulfilling it.
Even if we don't Ryzeoffline we'll sure Ryzeonline.
Now I get it!!
Thanks for sharing ❤️✅
Thank you kindly, I love teaching and learning, and I encourage others to do similarly. In fact, I just learned a lot about quantum physics and scientific proof for Law Of Attraction, haha. Yes, let us ryze, both online and off, lol. :) Thanks for asking and wishing you a great day! ❤️🙏