

Someone put lot of efforts, in coldest times they put lot of efforts
Hard to imagine their efforts, hard to replace their efforts
Their response after this journey, humble smile, fulfilling smile
They know what they just achieved, they know what obstacles they faced to achieve what they just achieved.

They deserve acknowledgement, they deserve encouragement
Ever tried to encourage others, embrace others
It's a good feeling, togetherness feeling
Let's enjoy each other's success, humanity's success.

They taught a lesson to humanity, show some gratitude, let's pass some gratitude
They had to meditate on their path to achieve this success, to make this journey a success
Don't ignore their journey, exemplary journey
Their work will inspire many, teachings for many.

Here don't allow your ego game, say no to ego game
They really achieved it, they are saying it, so that world can know it
They were brave, they are brave
Time for change and recreation, let's spread appreciation.

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"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed



United we are stronger. Beautiful post

Thank you so much for your kind words. Stay blessed always.