I love this! I'm so happy that you have a growth mindset now. Covid changed a lot of people's lives for the better in many ways. For me it made me lean harder on the things that @ryzeonline taught me about manifesting money and healing my traumas.
Abundance is a mindset and we begin with it to create and grow even more. My evolving and progressive state of flux, helps me to discover and become better, and bolder than who I currently am.
I love this part of your article. Having an abundance mindset helps us receive more abundance. And who doesn't want to be abundant in all areas of their life? And it does indeed help us to become better, more grateful, and manifest more of what we want.
and to answer your question...
I make sure to do what makes me happy every day and help people as much as I am able to every day. It brings me so much joy. It's not "new" every day but I definitely love what I'm doing. I'm abundant in people to help, things to learn, and manifesting.
Much love,