In the midst of the darkness, never-ending bad news and the series of awakenings I am experiencing with increasing intensity -- I had one of the best days of my life. It began with a nascent idea, a workable model to create leaders and lasting memories. One of my favorite events to organize and flow with is: Operation Feed Everyone.
My personal purpose & dedication to create a better world in the real, the local and in my personal life keeps me grounded on what's truly important.
To be free, to be compassionate and to help people without an agenda is my mission, my passion.
To unfold my ultimate purpose I created, "Operation Feed Everyone," which has become my saving grace, my refuge from the darkness, betrayal and coercion which is commonplace in this epoch. This particular event also inspires others to jumpstart their compassion in the face of doubt and scarcity.
Operation Feed Everyone began about nine years ago, as a practice in compassion with the help of my friends & family.
From the onset of this adventure I held unto a greater vision which extends beyond its localized dimension. Due to the tidal waves of corruption and post-modern conditioning we are alienated, detached and tragically demoralized. Unfortunately, this state of affairs is so enculturated that it perniciously imposes limiting beliefs in the minds of men.
For example, people often believe that to create any meaningful memories or "operation" they need permission, they need material security and for the stars to align. Even after a series of awakenings, as actualized individuals, we take for granted the true power that extends beyond ideology.
There's no need to convince Others or to change the system, but rather to redefine the essence of life through our actions, relationships and personal mission.
The Bigger Picture
The bigger picture in this darkness is that individuals possess within themselves the ability to live their dreams in waking life without permission from authority.
Reality is a process of self-initiation into the deeper complexities of change, balance and universal existence; however experience is limited by the unexamined shadow we project unto reality. Ultimately, people do not lack power to create reality but lack the ability to recognize their personal authority & power.
The ultimate goal of Operation Feed Everyone is to create leaders by setting the conditions in which people's agency is unburdened from expectations, and are set free to flow with spontaneous order.
When we exist in the present moment by letting go of self-limiting beliefs we are engaging with spontaneous order; i.e. the flow of life which actualizes the ideal in the now.
To express this into words does not accurately depict the awe-inspiring magic which unfolds from letting go of fear & control.
Individuals creating heart-to-heart connections with their localized reality is a transcendental experience that is unquantifiable. Unconditional love is the solution; it's a practice that bridges reality to the dream world. In this metaphysical dimension we find the magic which moves mountains.
In practical terms this means inspiring others to believe in their own ability to create, to help and to transcend their limitations. In essence, Operation Feed Everyone is a spontaneous event manifested by friends & loved ones who meet this challenge by exercising their inborn talents and compassion.
The Laredo Free Thinkers
Why chase conspiracies when you can create one with your friends? --COMBO
Laredo Free Thinkers is an informal and decentralized "conspiracy" created by my friends, myself and with a heavy dose of spontaneous order. We are not trying to change the system, convince people of our mission but rather to live in the now and influence reality towards a positive direction.
We are based in Laredo, Texas but our aspirations go beyond local issues - everything is interconnected in this maze of world-conspiracy & political intrigue. Our objective is to pierce through this darkness by exercising freedom, compassion and personal responsibility.
The integral part of this special plan is that it is not centered in: reactionary violence, materialism or "saving the world." It is not based on following a leader but rather becoming the leader we've been seeking.
One of my library patrons recently mentioned she used to make care packages for the homeless using discarded bedding from local hotels and resorts. Perfectly serviceable material that was no longer suitable for premium customers. Our community already has some food services, but we are presently planning a way to team up with community groups in our library meeting room or the local community center to make them again. Time will tell whether everything comes together. In any case, like you say, real change begins locally.
Ideally I like to be more proactive in sourcing food from my own garden. I also a have a small collection of books I like to distribute. If we think outside of the box we can help in many different ways. Thank you for sharing the idea 😁 I am sending ya good vibes ❤️
Hmmm, I always admire people who are able to do such things. Keep it up!