I heard once that meditation is the art of learning to die. Is that what Life is really about? Gaining experiences and wisdom so that at the end of the journey we can fully embrace death without fear or regrets? It certainly feels that way every now and then.
So which is the right way to die? Since I have no degree or experience (that I can rationally recall) in the ways of dying, I can only talk about the ways I don’t wish to die (or leave this mortal frame to whatever it is that might come afterwards).
Of course, I can’t define whether my body will die in an accident and what type it will be. I can only look into which tools I can gather to face that moment with as much serenity as possible. I don’t want to die filled with resistance, struggling to cling on to my earthly attachments, clouding and fogging the possible perceptions that might open in that moment.
If what I’m proposing here makes any sense at all, then it becomes clear why Life offers so many difficult moments where everything just shakes and rattles like a massive earthquake was about to engulf everything you’ve ever known.
These moments could possibly be acting as triggers to make us see our inner fears and what takes away our peace. They would be the great teachers that are able to take meditation to the next level.
Because everything is easy when you’ve had a calm day and then get home to put on some relaxing music to close your eyes and breathe. It’s not so easy to meditate when someone you were in love with tells you they never want to see you again or when a playful dog wrecks up your hard worked garden in an instant.
Those moments when tension is triggered are to be considered pivotal points in our learning process. It is said that such things keep repeating themselves until you are able to not be triggered by them, until you are able to stay calm amidst such storms. Of course, if you dare to go further, the stakes might rise… hence the determination of many to stay in a comfort zone.
There are times I really want to be wrong about all this. Moments where I want to believe that there are some heavenly parents watching us from above with a tender smile on their face, just chilling and enjoying their children play their games on Earth. But when things get rough I strid through the darkness in search for meaning.
Why the pain? Just to distinguish from pleasure and good feelings? Or a lesson? A lesson for what? How many lessons must we learn? When do we graduate from this “school”? Is there anyone out there waiting to congratulate us and give us a warm hug?
What’s your take on this?
I believe we are alive so...
We know why we went where we went when we leave...
Nailed it with this comment @lesmann! And nice to see you connected with my friend @fenngen
Thank You Very Much!
It honestly is My belief,
Speaking of which...
I am thinking of starting another
Hive account...
Basically for things I have decided
to write, instead of the Art thing...
I was wondering if Your community is a place for writers to join?
I like Your perspective!
On the second account...
I think other than a follow or something like that, I am going to try and keep them separate,
No need in muddying up the thing I'm trying to separate!
He he he!
Have a Great Saturday Eve.!
(*Tropical Storm here...)
tokens.That's a hopeful perspective, will integrate it to my anti-anxiety thoughts, a sort of confidence in the eventual arrival of complete clarity. Thanks.
Thank You!
There is "No" complete clarity...
Reality is like an "Onion".
There are layers and layers of it, and each has its own rules...
As soon as You (think) You have Mastered one - poof! Your in the next!
Funny today I came on an explanation using "Corn", long winded for here, but same concept!
Have a Great Saturday Eve!
So you would say there's no Nirvana to be found?
I would say there is, a what You call Nirvana.
But My first caution is...
"He who seeks The Kingdom on Earth shall never find it in the afterlife"...
I also include the habits that would cause that behavior....
"All things come from their essence".
The other problem is that this realm follows no rules of the one we are currently in,
So their is no possible comprehension.
Just some thoughts!
Have an Awesome Eve.!
Might be wise to surrender then!
Not at all!
We can never graduate cos we are the school, the teacher AND the student. WE may laugh together about it one day... me, myself and I... since YOU are also just an extension of me. xxx
Hugs. The questions matter.
It DOES all resume to a laughing matter, does it not? 🤣
Comes right down to reflections, in and out!
Heavenly parents.. yeah, that would be nice. God is good and all powerful? Just looking around and that doesn't jive. Oh.. it's a test.. really? What a loving idea to make humanity suffer through this classroom from hell. lol
Not saying there is or isn't some higher .. something but if he's all powerful, he's not good and if he's good he's not all powerful and by definition he's an extra-terrestrial.
but to me, that's all okay because I think the spiritual part of us is where our power's at.
the puppetmasters do what they can to degrade those powers or risk losing control
Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were an omnipresent being of unlimited power? It seems to open a world of delicate philosophical considerations, at least for me.
No, not till now. :) If you believe humans are born with an innate leaning towards good, then all that is needed is positive nurturing.
Not standing by and letting people starve nor kill each other though.
example of a philosophical consideration that came to mind? if you wish
Well, for example, do you let humans pursue their ambitions and learn through the consequences of their actions or do you guide them to your personal vision of goodness? Do you use your power to determine everything or do you allow randomness that might surprise even you, the almighty?
I wouldn't interfere except to save lives. I would help with information if desired, like how to take care of your health. Imagine being able to give people the truth.
gave me a chill.. lol
Then would people get careless because they knew they'd be saved? Yeah, tough questions, idk
Hi there!
The experiment started out "Good",
And the being who created it as well.
At a given point...
The creation became intelligent enough to challenge it's situation.
And so,
The "Creator", being "Good & Intelligent", beyond our understanding saw this.
And realised, that if "It" stepped in - it would have to be "Check-Mate", end game. Having tried this earlier the results were not what was hoped for.
And to stop this what many know is hell, that man created himself would also not work. Humans would do it again because there would be an expected "easy way out".
Since a big part of the goal here is Spiritual Evolution, not endless re-boot, were at this point now...
Either fix it, or...
Blast it to shit, and let the chips fall where they may....
Thanks for reading!
Thank You!
I Appreciate It!
Thank you for this writing, I've consciously trying to understand the mystery of life and death. We struggle so much on Earth but don't even know how it will all end, what baffles me most is there's really and afterlife or if death is the ultimate end.
Doesn't seem like we can really know that... but there is without a doubt way more to our existence and consciousness than the bio-chemistry of the human body :)
A great question, which I believe many people struggle with at some point.
For me I believe in accepting the fact that death is inherent, no matter what it will happen, so how about appreciating the fact that it will happen so take every day as if it was the last and give it your best?
The people who resist death and try to cling on to mortality I believe are people with unrealized dreams, and the fact that they can see the end scares them, they don't want to leave before experiencing the thrill of say realizing themselves.
But if you at least try to give every day your best, when that day comes you will be at peace, waiting for whatever happens next in the next realm.
I like that, though at the same time the satisfaction coming from achievement only tastes sweet for so long. I suppose it is an everyday job to find meaning...
Yeah, I agree it's an everyday job to finding meaning, meaning doesn't necessarily mean always accomplishing things or getting things done, it can also mean just being comfortable with whatever it is that we get to do that day, if we spend the whole day chilling, that in itself has meaning to us.
You know we don't have the answers, we can spend our lives looking for them, or we can live each moment, really feel each moment and accept that this is the life that we have. We go through challenging times and for what? I know that my pain, my suffering has really made me see how precious life is, it's made me really appreciate all that I am and all that I have. Right now this moment, that is what is important.

Thank you for this beautiful post, it is important to dig deep but perhas not to focus too much on it either and just live xxx
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