LSU AgCenter Home Gardening Certificate Course

Last Friday I started this online Louisiana State University (LSU) course; which is the first step in becoming a certified Master Gardener. I have a total of ten classes in this course. I've been buried in homework, doing lab assignments and reading modules as well as watching videos about soil testing and drainage (this was week one's introductory class).
Every week is a new topic with lab work (where we post our results in a private Facebook page; which means I have to go on FB now.... grrr. Not my favorite thing to do... ever. But I will for this course. I get in... I get out.

When I attended college for my early childhood development degree, I was 32 (yes, I was a late bloomer) and I was working two jobs, had three teenagers at home and was a divorced mom... but I seemed to have more energy, time and motivation then.
I am thinking I have taken on a large workload; plus it is summer here with gardening season in full swing.
Even though I fall in bed every night exhausted, I am completely enjoying the gardening, and the preservation, classes I am attending. Having them all online has been GREAT!

Swing Trading: Learning A New Skill
It has been a few months now that we dove into the stock market. I have been watching videos, taking some online classes and researching the terminology relentlessly. We have bought stock... sold stock and have luckily had more green days than red days. I'm not saying this is fun by any means; there's a lot to consider when buying or selling. The research to find a stock can get intense.
We have a stock market plan.
- 40-60% of our stocks are longer term - No, we didn't invest in FB, Tesla, Amazon- have you seen the shares' prices? We invested in Delta Airlines, MGM and Lands' End right now.
- 10-30% are for swing trades (in and out- buy then sell within two days to two weeks time frame - this is where we made a good deal of money so far)
- 10-30% are penny stocks and IPOs (just testing the waters here)

I am glad to hear you are getting a LOT out of both your courses! I could not possibly undertaken them at this time of year. Too busy doing it to learn more about it....