Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question - My ideal version of success

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Success is relative, that is what a man may call success in another place it might not be referred to as success and the extent to which we define success also defer from one another. So the question is what is success?

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I will like to define success as the accomplishment of one desire aim and purpose. It can also be defined as the accomplishment of a set down standard by a given entity, organisation, community or environment; this is coming out in a good way that others can see and recognise it in a good way. For example, a student that passes his or her examination is successful to many and also a man that desires to build a mansion and was able to build it is successful in his desired aim.

So you can judge yourself as being successful and society can also judge you for being successful.

When it comes to being successful it comes with a lot of sacrifices and these demands maybe take a lot of our energy, time and even money.

Success comes with a sense of fulfilment, a successful person in any area of life is also a fulfilled person in that area. At this point, I feel that it is very important to know that one can be successful in one area of life yet unsuccessful in another area of life, so one needs to strive to be successful in all areas of one endeavour. Each area of life demand its level of sacrifice and we must be ready to pay the price.

So how can you achieve your desired success and also the success that the society at large can recognize as success

  1. Set your goals: what do you want to achieve and how do want to achieve it and time. The goals need to be set and it needs to be SMART. So if one wants to achieve success then the person must set goals.
  2. Gather adequate knowledge and information to the desired goals and targets: this is very important if one wants to achieve the success you need to have adequate knowledge about what you want to do and how to do it.
  3. Focus: Without focus, it is not possible to reach your desired level of success. Many things will want to distract you on the road but successful people are very focused people. This will bring me to my third point which is
  4. Discipline: it's a disciplined person to achieve what he or She desire, discipline in the area of channelling your strength, time, money and other resources towards your goals.
  5. Hardworking: one of the keys that will help greatly in achieving success is to be hardworking and also do smart work with wisdom and good knowledge.
  6. Determination and patience: one need to be determined to achieve the success that one desire, even if it takes time and many obstacles on the road, one needs the be patient with it.

Applying these six steps will help in getting to the heights of success that one desire in life and also maintain that level of success.

Thank you for reading.


This is a beautiful piece.

Those six steps look really defined