Hola amigos y apasionados de las actividades diarias de la huerta, sean y siéntanse todos bienvenidos; Feliz de estar aquí junto a ustedes y darles a conocer una actualización de como están las cosas por aquí
Hello friends and passionate about the daily activities of the garden, everyone welcome and feel free; Happy to be here with you and give you an update on how things are around here
En nuestra recorrida es imposible no admirarnos con la naturaleza, ella es un ejemplo de perseverancia y superación, hasta en suelo más hostil tienen la capacidad de reproducción; Vean es esta planta de ¨boniatos¨ que desde un poquito de tierra que hay entre la piedras pueden prosperar
In our journey it is impossible not to admire nature, she is an example of perseverance and improvement, even in the most hostile soil they have the ability to reproduce; See is this ¨boniatos¨ plant that can thrive from a little bit of earth between the stones
Si están siguiendo mis videos de la huerta recordaran que hace unos días hemos trasplantados todas las plantas de ¨boniatos¨, y ahora nuevamente están comenzando a brotar; Lo bueno y lo novedoso de esto, es que nunca hemos sembrado estas semillas, son puro regalo de la naturaleza
If you are following my garden videos you will remember that a few days ago we transplanted all the ¨boniatos¨ plants, and now they are starting to sprout again; The good and the novelty of this is that we have never sown these seeds, they are a pure gift of nature
La que nunca deja de sorprender son las ¨hierbas¨, ellas se desarrollan en los lugares menos pensado; Hace muy poco habíamos erradicado de raíz la ¨maleza¨, y como pueden ver ya están presente en el huerto; Esto debemos erradicarlos lo antes posible, como les dije en un montón de oportunidades, ellas no pueden convivir con nuestras plantas
The one that never ceases to amaze are the ¨herbs¨, they thrive in the least expected places; Very recently we had eradicated the ¨weed¨ at its roots, and as you can see they are already present in the orchard; This we must eradicate as soon as possible, as I told you on a lot of opportunities, they cannot coexist with our plants
Antes de finalizar el video un poco de satisfacción; Esta es la segunda vez que cosechamos las minis ¨zanahorias¨; Las primeras que hemos hecho nos permitió preparar una deliciosa comida, su sabor es muy dulce y su corteza muy tierna; Para ver todas estas cosas que les estoy comentando solo debes ver el video
Before finishing the video a little satisfaction; This is the second time we have harvested the “carrots” minis; The first ones we have made allowed us to prepare a delicious meal, its flavor is very sweet and its crust is very tender; To see all these things that I am telling you, you just have to watch the video

Source: vimeo-free-videos
▶️ 3Speak
I like carrots... they are sweet!!!
Have a great day, @jlufer!
thank you very much for your constant support
I wish you a beautiful nightyes dear friend @silversaver888 they are very sweet, more than other varieties of carrots
Wishing a beautiful night, @jlufer!
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I imagine the good taste from your mini carrots. :)
I have never tasted such sweet and delicious carrots, it gives the sauce a unique flavor.
I appreciate your visiting time with all my heart, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a well-deserved rest
nothing better than fresh from the backyard
It is true dear friend @ doitvoluntarily, there is nothing healthier than your own hands plant it
It looks like you have a wonderful garden there!
I am blessed to have a fund like this where I can grow my own food
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
I wish you a great dayhello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
Growing your own food is super rewarding. I used to have a large garden and I miss it. Enjoy the rest of your week!