This month, for a change, I have daily wifi so can be online more and check up on my dear blog site. Perhaps a little interaction on my part here will improve my paltry payouts, my limp likes and feeble fan base. I would write and post more but the returns have dwindled to an uninspiring few pennies, a mere tenth of what I was getting at the start of the year.
Portrait of the mercurial writer, so you know who you're dealing with.
Despite writing the same kind of content with my own photos, I receive almost no response compared to the same content a few months ago. I took a three month break from posting and that seems to have smashed any interest I had built up. Am I back at sweeping the floors looking for pennies under the sofa?
Nevertheless and alwaysthemore, I will write on because I am a compulsive communicator that knows sometimes flogging a dead horse will bring it back to life. And I have a sense of humor. Perhaps only one or two people read this stuff anyway, so I write what I like. Likes and payouts have gone so there is nothing more to do than fill the time and the blank page with myself.
The road ahead may be dark but I have the torchlight of knowledge.
After all, everything written here is a creation of my fertile imagination. It is my mind in words. I used to compose poetry, all rhyming and strictly metered couplets, which requires some brain power, but laziness keeps that to strictly spontaneous occasions. Now I simply churn out chump change and try to bait the whales with their massive votes.
The whales seem to have grown unappreciative of my daily posts. I imagine there are no more than a handful of people who even use this blog site anyway. It’s difficult for anyone new to even open an account here so I presume usership is not growing but falling, like it has been for years. Hive is full of potential and full of problems blocking that potential, mostly human problems.
Maybe less than 10 000 people use Hive globally, a paltry figure, just my guess. Some blog posts get massive payouts from the inner club of devs among themselves. I was in the court favor a few months ago but the whales have cooled to my attempts to garner their generosity. It’s not about content otherwise I would be receiving the likes I received a few months back, but I get ten percent of what I used to, as I said, so go figure.
I simply write today to tell you how lame it feels to plod on penning petty prose for pennies on the dollar. I miss the old days. That’s what attachment to results can do to one. So give up attachment and chasing the buck and buck the system by being yourself. No one reads this now and no returns come from it so let this be my legacy of written work which grows by the day into over 1100 written articles and over 1 million words.
All of this becomes my legacy and proof of brain I guess. Let it be known that I had my way with words. I wound them around my finger and rolled them off my tongue, though few ears heard them or few eyes saw them or comprehended their real meaning. Still the words roll on line by line. Yet, as bait on my line they attract no whales and few other fish. So I stay hungry and content to eat humble pie.
Whatever comes of all this writing, it all depends on the small handful of node operators that run this centralized blockchain. It’s a far cry from the decentralized role model provided by bitcoin. Of course, a pool of free money – Hive coin – is always attractive and the whales that swim in the pool do exist. They just play hard to get and feed among themselves.
In this way the pool is controlled by the whales, while we small fry swim in their wake trying to catch a few scraps. Such is the life of the third world and our crumbling currency. That said all fiat is falling so it’s a new world in the making. This blockchain and all my pretty prose may be gone like the fiat world too, in an easy swipe of an EMP which could smash any blockchain out of existence.
The blockchains are falling like flies right now as the bear market grinds the bones of the petty pretenders to paste for breakfast. Let’s see how long this Hive blockchain lasts, with all my content and all yours. It was a nice idea at the time, I guess. Time will, however, be the ultimate proof of the coding. Please don’t over endeavour to press the like button, not that it hurts your bottom line at all.
I won’t have this wifi all the time so you won’t be hearing from me that often in future. Therefore, I write like there is no tomorrow to express my existential evaluation of everything ephemeral and ethereal, everything blithe and bitty, everything heavy and hivey, if you see the allusions. Life is but a dream and things are not quite as they seem, so thanks for reading this my stream of consciousness on a roll.
(photos my own)
I feel you. Same here, it's penny pinching / tightening our trouser's belts kind of time ( I guess that happens during the bear market ).
Just know that there's always people like me who do appreciate your voice on here ;^)
Hey that's very kind Vincent, I feel like a lone voice in the wilderness lol. It means a lot to feel heard. Let's soldier on through this bear market and await our day in the sun.
I could relate to some of your thought. But those low payouts is something compared to get just some dopamine rush on other platforms.
I m glad I got to read this.
I m glad you wrote it.
Cool buddy, good point there.
It's just the dip really. It always happens. A month ago I was getting twice as much and way more engagement... But not sad about it, it will go up again. So much is built here for it to disappear and as long as you like writing and engaging, as you say, it's a fine place as any to hang out. 💚
Aha many thanks for the insights there. The uptrend will return in time.
I appreciate your honest opinion, especially as a long-time user. I have been writing on this platform since December and while I do have some engagement, which is nice (on Medium I got none unless I spent hours peddling my articles on social media), still no considerable earnings; in fact, I've lost money. While I do love to write and express myself, I think it's best to put my creative energies where they are most likely to be reciprocated as I have many balls in my court at any given time. So this is good to know. Also, you write beautifully -- I really like your style!
Hey there many thanks for your feedback Katie. Do continue with your Hive blog posts as it just takes a bit of time to start attracting more upvotes as well as accumulating HP which seems to help too. The market prices may be down tis year but if we keep accumulating Hive, it will all pay off nicely when the Hive price peaks again in a year or two. It's along term accumulation strategy which really pays off.
As for getting much feedback, it is frustrating as a writer to get so few responses and readership, but it seems this is how it is even on Hive. Nevertheless, perseverance helps. I have followed your profile and will look out for more of your posts.
Best wishes
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.