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RE: Why do porn-stars' life expectancy is short and how does this relate to an ancient Native American faith and to you personally?

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

Sex is the most sacred of acts, since it produces a new human life. As such, when it's "distorted/ corrupted" it becomes the most dangerous of acts.

Never gave much taught to this stealing energy angle, but I'm willing to go with it. However, I would say that we can even analyse it, from a much more "material" perspective, and is still something to consider.

I became aware of the physical damage of masturbation a couple years ago and of porno in general, about a year ago... And it is scary.

I believe it is one of the, if not THE root cause, of most issues facing the world and western society in particular. Guess, I have a lot to say about it, but this is a nice succinct way of putting it. (Maybe I'll write a post someday, but yeah, be it physical, mental or spiritual... porn is a severe treat)