Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Is Your Main Focus, Moving Forward Into The Second Half Of This Year, What Is It, That You Wish To Manifest?

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago

One upon a time, a young girl filled with hopes, wishes, and dreams mentioned out loud:
Me: “One day, I will find home!”


I have been all my life longing for a place to call home. From the age of 13 to my late 20s, I worked really hard and had many different jobs to save up and travel the world looking for a Home. This sounds very unrealistic and dreamy, and it is!
I travelled for about 3 years, met amazing human beings and amazing places, yet none made me feel at home. I struggled quite a lot throughout all the travels, and I experienced feelings of worthlessness, alienation, misunderstood.

The need to be alone was huge!
This was a time filled with meltdowns. I would cry for hours, asking the universe to show me where is home! Imploring to the universe that all I need is a home!
Quite daunting and miserable times yet essential for my personal growth.

Around the age of 29, I realised that this need to have a place to call home comes from the childhood trauma of abandonment, rejection and not being fully accepted by my parents, literally comes from lack. Going back to the age of 13 and asking my younger self why did I get that job? The answer was crisp clear, and I want a peaceful place to live. I want to leave my parent's place; I had enough of being mistreated physically, emotionally and mentally. I wanted to find this ideal place. Unfortunately does not exist unless I do the inner work.

Nowadays, I am doing all the inner work, and things are clearing up slowly. I still look for a place to call home but right now has nothing to do with lack or to hide away from other fellow human beings to protect myself from being hurt, but because I want to blend in nature and discover my full potential and how can I contribute for a better future on earth. With the years of moving around from place to place and not settle I realised that is very ungrounding for me, my health struggles mainly, and I never invest in long term projects either because of the inability to commit for long term.

Nature is my medicine and my inspiration. In nature, I glimpse my potential, and I feel creative and connected. So during this second half of this year, I want to manifest a home in nature, as rural as possible, with some awesome and open-minded neighbourhood. It would be nice if it had a spring or some water. I don’t really mind where as soon as it is peaceful. The land conditions are secondary, too, because I am up for a challenge as I want in the long term to be part of a charity/ community/ organisation that regenerates soil, building healthy soil sustainably. I also want to contribute to rebuilding native forests and plant trees, also start a home permaculture project.


With my heart full of love and joy, I manifest in the second half of the year:

A south-facing piece of land that has some source of water and needs TLC. Where a holistic project of soil regeneration, rebuild native forest and a home permaculture project takes place. This is a Home that will contribute for the highest good of all.

biweekly challenge
These challenges hold the great power of opening up one's heart. I love them 😍
Thank you all for your support, I am grateful to you all
Love, light and blessings
💙💙Thank you @trucklife-family for this beautiful


You are requesting the same as me, my friend and I am sure that we will both receive what we desire. The more specific the better. Let the magic of manifestation return to you xxx Thank you for responding @moonyoga xxxxxxx

Makes me happy, meeting people with the same desire, and I 100% agree, will manifest!
Thank you for your support everything feels more real. :)