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RE: Why do porn-stars' life expectancy is short and how does this relate to an ancient Native American faith and to you personally?

French are unique. That's true.😁
And I don't have the numbers, but I bet even French porn actors die younger than the average French person.
What you said about the kleenax parties is crazy. I'll Google it.
Thanks for the comment.


Google will not tell you about the kleenex parties in Marseille lol. But my French ex-husband did😝 As well as the fact that many (not all but many) fathers take their sons to the whore street to have their sons deflowered😣 However do they expect them to ever be able to love afterwards is a mystery. And it's not just in France lol😂 Italy has a brothel on every street and all over Europe there are exchangist (swinger) clubs, naturist parks and camping grounds everywhere. No spirituality anywhere unfortunately. I finally left🤷‍♀️

Sadly yes.
You left what?

Since the topic became the French here, here's a fun fact: In French you can call an "wasted ejaculation" as "little death" (petite mort)

....which is strictly forbidden, BTW, in the jewish religion.
Interesting connection You made. ty.

I left France as well as Europe