in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Success is an inescapable word these days. Perhaps many of us are pursuing it with such a ruthless dedication. We feel obliged because the internet says it should. Some are crazy about it, others are blogging about it. Sadly, many just sit in the hope of finding it.
But have we ever wondered what the word means to us? That is, our own definition, not the definition of Webster or Google.

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And that's why I appreciate the @abundance.tribe for making us ask ourselves this question.

As I have observed, many people are on a path where they are not interested. They have set out to pursue and achieve what society is telling them to do in life. They only notice this after they get it and are professionally, personally, or legally bound by it- that they didn't achieve anything.

For me, success means waking up and doing what I love every day: being myself, coding, reading books, watching documentaries, writing e.t.c. Success to me is the ability to do these things when I want to, not when you have time or when you can get stuck in many other things you "must" do.
Success means that I am really happy with who I am and what I am doing. It isn't to wake up to work that I'm afraid of but have to do it because of its pay and return to a home where my kids hardly see their Dad, where the toys are scattered everywhere and the dishwasher always looks full.

It has little to do with the numbers on my bank statement or how much money I have in my pocket. Money is just one of the by-products of success, not the same as success. You can succeed without earning dollars, and you can earn millions without succeeding in what you are trying to do. Success means achieving what you are trying to do and is therefore subjective.

My definition of success revolves around personal happiness or at least something similar. Money can do a lot for you, but buying true happiness is not one of them. Success means that my parents look at me and take pride in the boy they've raised. It's being someone my friends can trust and what they say about me. Success is eating properly and sleeping at night well. Not having a fear of what might happen to me because of what I have done. It's me knowing that I have done my best with what I have been given.

Above all, success is about not letting others define what it means and what it looks like to me. It is my responsibility to make choices and pursue them tenaciously. For me today, success means that I have a purpose one with which I am defining myself every day.

It is certainly true that success has been highly overestimated and there has been much debate. Some people have actually been successful, but the fact remains few have tasted the sweetness of true success. But what success means varies from person to person. Because everyone has different goals, what they want to achieve in life, and how they want to be remembered. For example, what a friend considers successful in their career may not mean achievement in your view...


Success revolves round personal happiness and being able to do what you love to do.
Viewing success from a different perspective of the way every other person sees it..gives it a deeper meaning
Great post boss

Thanks bro...

I appreciate the kind comments.

You're welcome