Awakening to the Sleepless Eye of Infinity

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago (edited)



This past several days, I effectively recognized on a cellular level what is transpiring in our world. As most of the world is panicking about Korona, it is only because it has made its appearance in a dual form. It was named appropriately to reference what it is truly offering. Namely our sovereignty. It is the offer of our individual royalty but it came packaged with all the limitations of a world in which we had sacrificed our very crowns. The world was swept in by the manifestation of this strange new visitor, that came to halt the world and bring us face to face with the energies of conflict that we have been so far cultivating by sacrificing our sovereignty for the sense of false security.

God/Life initiated Corona to give us a reflection of the same energies that have been haunting humanity for millennia. A mirror reflecting the inner Armageddon of the Individual Soul that we have been unable to resolve within ourselves. Our internal Armageddon mirroring our misunderstandings and wars we have had with reality itself. The collective scars of a conflicted humanity seem to have been torn open from their state of hardened healed connective tissue, now bleeding profusely, pointing to the wounds we had suffered through-ought our ancient past up to the present day that had never truly healed.

In this awakening we are being asked to either face our fears and transcend them, or succumb to all our bad decisions made while haunted by them.
Everything is going a little crazy externally but the pressure is on, the coal of humanity is being transmuted into a diamond.

Just a few days ago, I had a strange experience with a couple of people I know, we were having a conversation and things turned to the state of the world. One of them then kept repeating how everyone is so despicable, that 99% of humanity was totally worthless and to blame and better off dead. This stirred up a lot of sadness inwardly and I could not refrain from stating that I found this very conflicted thought to be the root of our problem today. This sick attitude of superiority and then looking down upon those that fall into the category of inferior with such cold, heartless hate, just did not hit home. So I responded several times to some extreme statements that were made, the other person started becoming literally mental and the most extreme expressions of his point of view came to light, I took my glass of wine, threw the little wine left in it at him, picked up my stuff, and wanted to leave since I had heard enough.

The other person was slightly in shock, but as I passed by his side to leave, blood was coursing in his eyes and h literally grabbed me by the throat with both hands and lifted me up against the wall. Everything happened so fast, that I simply dropped into an absolute and beautiful silence. I could see the depth of pain in him, I could see the desire to cause me more pain than he was. Because he could see I was feeling none at all. I felt no pain, I felt no suffocation. My breath was totally cut of but I WAS still MY BREATH, after several seconds he lowered me down, totally confused and enraged at the same time, then snapped into it again and lifted me up a second time. Still nothing, I felt no pain, I just felt peace, and I suddenly had flashes of this same moment repeating itself in so many different ways in this life, and many others. I saw in that total silence that I was totally free, and that I had always just been the Sleepless Eye of Infinity. Nothing in my being fought back, I have had situations like this countless times and this was a totally new experience since I always would respond by defending myself if things turned physical.

This time I merely could see all the pain he was carrying and something surrendered to the infinity I was being revealed was myself, and realizing that all this world is waiting for, is for us humans to lay down all our weapons. I was ready to witness him kill me there and then, and I had not a shred of hate against him, the only thought that crossed my mind was: “If you do kill me, I hope it blesses you with all you need to wake up to your incomprehensible truth and to let all this hate, anger, confusion that is lurking in you die away.”

But he eventually let go, I calmly took my shoes and car keys. I was so calm and aligned, that I sat down at the stairs right next to him, putting on my shoes without a rush, he screamed even once: “What are you still doing???” and I replied: Just Putting on my shoes to leave!

As I was driving back home I had what I can only experience as a deep ecstasy of gratitude for what I was still being revealed, from the moment he suffocated me, to the moment that I was driving home, I can only describe having this vivid sensation of feeling myself as the very burning intensity of perception itself. I knew I have never died before. I knew that I can not die. I knew that every death was just a dream in the long sleep of myself unaware of his sleepless nature.

Feeling this is who I am, I have since that day felt an ineffable expansion taking place with the deep recognition of my sheer and utter magnificence.

Corona is here to teach us this infinity. We have died so many times each of us. And we have learned to be afraid of it. We thought it could hurt us. We thought it was an End. Not realizing that we are each the Endless itself. The next years are going to see a whole new humanity rise up. The rising of eternal crowned beings as the fires of conflict and fear burn at our limitations, birthing Reality from our illusions.

The experiential deep knowledge of one’s True Self. That is the releasing of our divinity into the world.
I am Immortal, I am Eternity. I am the Changeless, Eternally Now and Here.
No time has passed for me. I have not suffered any of my deaths, nor any of my lives.
I am infinity, here to embody the recognition of my infinity in temporality.
The recognition of my limitless nature has opened the understanding that none of those limits are real.
How can I die, when I do not even pass away?
How can I age, when I have never moved in time?

The miracles of our true Calling will be creating a stark contrast to the delusions of those choosing to remain in fear and slavery.
We will see humans walking around whose peace can not be touched.
We will see humans walking around whose eyes will not fear death.
We will see humans walking around whose bodies will not age.
We will see humans who no longer give life to conflict.
Humans who will stand their oppressors face to face, calmly offering them, if you wish to kill me, then make it the last time you kill, if you promise that then go ahead have your way!

We will see real Humans. Allied to immortal love & truth.
Here to break the devils circle of hate and conflict.

Be ready for the magnificence of our True Self is about to reveal itself to all of us.
We are here to embody it, which is something we have never had the chance to do so before.
Enjoy the Coronal Mass Ejections of the Sun, Solaris, our Soul, as it wakes up to the radical recognition that it is the fierce intensity of the immortal SUN, the very source of light and life.

The only Corona to pay attention to, is the Crown of Your Soul, The Corona of the Sun & Coronal Mass Ejections.
The other one that is offering you to gas yourself in the concentration camp of society, that one is there to scare you direction Sun, where your fear burns to a crisp, and you can turn around and face the world, recognizing you are the very source of its required illumination, instead of a victim of life’s cheap illusions.

We are One.

Immortals present since the Dawn of Time.
Wake up, it is time to embody the true Royals of Eden, Garden of the Divine.


شاهنشاه آرتين



Daaaaamn. 👏


@rok-sivante Time to don our crowns and take part in the final act of God, the great culmination of kali yuga and the revelation of the source that played all the characters. God surely is going to make this a finale, that will have the entire universe watching. We are all given free choice in how we will witness it. Choosing Fear/Pain/Separation or Love. There is no middle, every middle in between is still choosing Fear. If our choice is Love, the glory of our divine powers will flood in and transmute our vessel and all that gets touched by its emanations.

If our choice is fear/pain/separation we will see the temperature of hell rise for god is cooking a meal of souls to swallow, so that once the act is over and they have been digested properly in the womb of creation, they can be spit out rid of their densities.

We come out all the other side transformed. We are just given the option to choose which of both we wish to play out as an experience as this all begins to peak.

holy jeezus you got a way with words. 🤯😹🙏

Hahaha, more like the words got away with me 🤣

Man, You killed it. This post really felt like I was watching a video while I was reading it.

It brought up images in my head all long and then I was filled with goosebumps all over me. Sick!!🔥🔥

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Written with all the intensity of love hoping it will somehow let others feel who they really are as well!!! Pure Infinite Solar Fire 🔥

Dammmmnn!! I can feel the heat!! Ooohhh, I need some Icey water to cool it off!

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Aho. Let it be so. Thank you for sharing light.

And so it is. Thank you to you, for we are all infinite never-ending emanations of light each and every one illuminating the dark corners of this world. 🙏🥀

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