A spirit action in progress to welcome myself back into this world <3

in Abundance Tribe10 months ago

Over the next two weeks up until the first of January 2024, I’m working on putting together an Introduction. I’m introducing myself to this world, no apologies, only Love. I’ve been on a journey and it’s time to claim my place in this Here, as I am, who I am.

In the last two years my life has been turned upside down, it’s been devastating and a gift at the same time. I’ve found friends and community, I’ve surrendered to the love of my family and I’ve begun to let go of things that no longer serve me, unapologetically. I’ve dug out from the heaps of judgements I’ve placed over my skin and the judgements of others that I allowed to define me. I am opening my heart up again at 46 as a Mama, a Wife, a Friend, a Daughter, a Guide, A Catalyst for Transformation and a Human on this Planet.

I’ve used this time to learn, create, deepen, release, and shape myself back into my original soul spirit. I’ve touched back into modalities and tools that I’ve had for decades in my pockets and I’ve jumped whole-heartedly into new modalities and tools of understanding, expression and creation that are insanely powerful and full of Love. I/m continuing on my journey <3

As I work on my Introduction, I’m going to post the process and share it each day until I welcome myself back, whole.

This is my Spirit Action.
It start with, What if there’s nothing to Prove.

Today I worked with automatic writing, energy sketching and conversations in my Akashic Records.

The words that spun me today were:
~I am Raven Black, accepting the Energy, the Universe into me.
~When I was young I wanted to be an architect and build homes. I’m not an architect but I’m helping people build homes within themselves.
~fishnets and scaffolding
~I’m renaming the lazy river, It’s now a restful river, in flow with the respect of all that surrounds her, filling and forming new stories each turn.
~I lit the torch for me, a human unspoiled
~My voice, built in the orchestral line of not enough and fear of getting caught
~Flashing caution signals

These were some of my energy drawings …



Each day I’ll build until January 1, 2024, when I introduce myself to the world <3