I can see why you must be exhausted. So sorry that this global situation has resulted in what so many of us dread - not being there for aging parents in different countries. Jamie was in absolute tears yesterday due to family issues he could not have a hope in hell of solving from afar, and is terrified something might happen to his Mum and him not able to be there. So we utterly empathise with your situation and feel your pain. I had thought you must be very busy with the business - a lot of people are taking breaks to manage life - was glad to hear off Mini that you were okay. I see what you mean about the packaging, but can also see that rebranding and redesigning is the way to go and I am in admiration of your strength, persistance and business nouse (sp? strange word that sounds good in my head) to find a new direction. I realise it's transform or sink - but with your heart in the right place, the business side of things will blossom again, I am certain. Sending you warmth and love at this difficult time, and do take care. As for posting on HIVE, as you know, it'll be here when you get back and no one holds in against you when you are absent, just welcomes you when you have time, headspace and love to drop in. Things are a little quiet here, and I imagine they will be across December as well, as is usual the case! xx Words do fail me a little as my heart breaks for the impending loss of your Mum, and knowing nothing I can do or say will ease things at all for you, but still, reaching out across the miles with good intention and heartfelt regards.
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