My garden journal - Vegetable Garden Update.

Hi everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend and staying warm as I know a lot of you are in the depths of a fearsome winter!

Here is an update of what's growing in my veggie garden... or the best bits any way! Photos taken today 20th Feb 💚

Broccoli coming on nicely.


I love broccoli ... just have to resist snapping them off right here and now and munching them like candy!
IMG_0122 2.jpg

Like a child at Christmas, excitement grows with every floret that forms!


The beets are swelling slowly but surely. Patience my dears!


Salad onions starting to thicken. I don't thin them out at all until they are big enough to start eating which probably slows down growth a little but I want to eat them all! 🙂


Carrots, sweet sweet carrots, one could never have too many!



Celery is doing beautifully. I love celery, it is such an easy crop to grow, doesn't suffer pests, the flowers smell beautiful and the seed is amazing to use in the kitchen as well as the fleshy stems ( which I love to chill in the fridge then snack on as a refreshing treat!)


Lots of salad leaves as usual!


Round leaf spinach, so yummy!


Pointy leaf spinach - I don't know what its called. lol


Next round of celery gets going....


Lettuce starting to flower ( seeds to collect soon! yay )


Next rotation of leafy greens coming on, Mmmmmmm I LOVE these!



Thanks for checking out my veg update.



Eat healthy, Stay Wild xxx



Beautiful garden! That blue bird is just amazing!

thank you sooooo much! Yes I love the way the blue bird has just or two green feathers! So charming!

Love all your veggies... how fresh and lovely! And that froggy and bird! :)

thank you so much, you are very kind.

You're very welcome, @sallybeth23!

Wow! That all looks super green and healthy! Wish I had a garden.

Thanks so much for that! If you have even the smallest balcony you can grow some fresh greens.

True! I grow green onions in water in my window sill along with pineapple plants :)

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!